Square and Compasses

Coteau Lodge # 54


Serving Masonry since 1884

Webster, South Dakota 57274

Our Lodge address is 721 Main St. & the mailing address is 318 W. 8th Ave

Lodge Officers for 2006 - 2007

Worshipful Master: Larry Baumgarn, telephone 605 345 4400

Senior Warden: Eugene Potas, telephone 605 345 4423

Junior Warden: Jarod Heinz, telephone 605 228 4434

Secretary: Chris Vander Linden, telephone 605 345 3391


Coteau Lodge is scheduled to meet at 7:00 PM on the

1st Tuesday of the month to conduct business.

Degree work is conferred on the 3rd Tuesday.

Coteau Lodge is in the 8th District of

The Grand Lodge of South Dakota

Coteau Lodge shares its facilities with

Rabbonni Chapter # 23 of the Royal Arch Masons


Bethel # 28 of the

International Order of Jobs Daughters

What is a Mason?

A Mason is a man, who professes a faith in God.

As a man of faith,

He uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind.

A Mason binds himself to like minded men in a Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, social, cultural and educational differences.

In fellowship with his brothers, a Mason finds ways in which to serve his God, his family, his fellow man and his country.

A Mason is dedicated,

He recognizes his responsibility for justice, truth, charity, enlightenment, freedom and liberty, honesty and integrity in all aspects of human endeavor.

This is what a Mason is.



Is a way of life


For more information about the Blue Lodge or its

Appendent bodies call, email or click on one of the

links to their web site.

The York Rite

The Scottish Rite

The Shriners of North America

For the Ladies there is The Order of Eastern Star

You may also wish to visit the home page of:


Mount Rushmore

South Dakota


Webster, South Dakota

We wish to thank you for dropping by

Please pray that one day Peace and Harmony may prevail and that all men can live together without discontentment.

Last update 8/2007

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