Felix: A True Face of a Pure Filipino
Hi! Hellow I am Felix Canada 19th years of age, 5'7" tall, born at Manila Philippines
on the 23 of February 1980. you can send me a letter at 1155 M dela Fuente St. Sampaloc Manila, Philippines 1008.
My hobbies are basketball, Tabletennis, Chess and Watching Movies, all kinds of movies.
I am a pure Filipino my father and mother are Filipino I have
two sister's and three brother's. My father dided since I am 8 years old and I live at my
Aunty'shouse she is the only one who is conserned financially upon my education.
Iam a Graduating student this coming year 2000 in Manila Christian Institute of Technology
taking up Computer Hardware Technician. Ilike things more in electornics and electricity
such repairing radio and wiring installation. My ambition in life is to be a succesful computer engineering some day
By the way I always smile even I haver problem because I believe the smiling
is the best medicine. And I like people who like me. I know how to cook filipino
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