Welcome to Abba Father's spiritual page. This page is dedicated to mysticism. I expect to be posting "cyber-papers" for several years. Although most of them will be realated to Christianity, not all of them will be. My purpose in publishing these cyber-papers is threefold:
1. I wish to gather my thoughts on these subjects so that I may be more clear about them myself. Nothing helps a person do this better than trying to explain them to someone else.
2. I want to let people know about the sources of profound wisdom that are available to them. In my search for a better understanding of Christian mysticism, I have come across many books that have been known to theologists, but not to the average person. For the most part these books are classics that were written centuries ago. They are not generally known because they are either written in an archaic way so that modern people find it very difficult to understand, or because they are written in a foriegn lanquage, or both. Thus I am quoting interesting and related books when I can. I may also set up specific places in this website for book lists and book reviews.
3. I hope to meet people who are also interested in these subjects. Consequently, I encourage my readers, if any, to sign my guest book and/or send me some e-mail. I am interested in learning of other related websites. They do not necessarily have to be Christian. If you notice the quoted sources in my cyber-papers, you see that I read rather broadly. Some think, too broadly.
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