Welcome to the Ooltewah High School JROTC Guestbook!

Mildred - 06/01/00 03:02:24
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/glittercandy
My Email:stupidchump@aol.com
How did you find my wesite?: i unfortunately stumbled on it
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: redo it it is really boring
This page is so boring just like the school. You really need to update it and put in more pictures. This page sucks right now. good luck.

Dark Lord Barney - 02/20/00 06:08:20
My Email:devilman@bolt.com
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: update it

Cadet MSG Lewis - 12/02/99 18:39:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/CHSJROTC
My Email:SGTVijeta@aol.com
How did you find my wesite?: HCSB.com
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: a few of the pix don't work
out of all the JROTC sites I've veiwed I can honestly say yours ranks in the top 5

Thomas - 11/20/99 16:57:48
How did you find my wesite?: I have no clue
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: Nathan you need to add more stuff
The page is dull, you need to add the stuff we have, and what we do. Plus add more pictures.

Bruce - 08/25/99 01:08:08
My Email:Himynameisbruce@netzero.com
How did you find my wesite?: My psycic abilities
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: The page is too drab

Andrea Macachor - 04/15/99 14:34:08
My URL:/Pentagon/5301
My Email:dpscat@thearmy.com
How did you find my wesite?: Geocities Search
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: More pics
Nice homepage. Please take the time to visit our homepage... it's like the Philippine version of the JROTC.

Chucky - 03/31/99 20:27:21
My Email:chucky@vei.net
How did you find my wesite?: very carefully
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: Pictures
It needs pictures. Lots of pictures. I'm as much as you used that digital camera at the military ball and AFI you could at least put some pictures up.

Dark Age - 03/18/99 01:01:24
My Email:thisis@falsesite.com
How did you find my wesite?: I am omniscient.
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: see below
Nathan, if you don't know who this is, then you will soon find out. You can't even build a freakin' laptop! Also, the rifle team IS that great.

Fauziyah - 03/14/99 20:08:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/hillsidejrotc/jrotc.html
My Email:hillsidejrotc@hotmail.com
How did you find my wesite?: GEOCITIES
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: none
Im in JROTC up here in Jersey. We are a HUD too, eep up the good work.

Fauziyah - 03/14/99 20:05:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/hillsidejrotc/jrotc.html
My Email:hillsidejrotc@hotmail.com
How did you find my wesite?: GEOCITIES
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: none
Im in JROTC up here in Jersey. We are a HUD too, eep up the good work.

- 02/21/99 22:21:07

Chucky - 02/02/99 21:49:16
My Email:chucky@vei.net
How did you find my wesite?: websearch
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: everything
Don't really care for the site.

AFC Alyson Van Ness - 01/19/99 16:48:48
My Email:vanness@ibm.net
How did you find my wesite?: Just browsing
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: Put in your battalion's chain of command.
I was the S-2 in the Plano Wildcat Battalion, Plano, Texas. Keep up the good work and have fun. Best luck to you guys in upcoming RFI's.

mandy - 11/11/98 20:23:40
My Email:amanda3326
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: colorful
i was great

David L. Hill - 11/08/98 21:47:35
My Email:DLH62283@juno.com
How did you find my wesite?: I really enjoy JROTC
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: Have free downloadable pictures or screensavers

will hopkins - 11/04/98 13:32:15

10/25/98 21:29:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Scarlett - 10/16/98 03:14:46
My Email:Iceeyes588@aol.com
Cool page. I live in LaVergne, TN so maybe I'll see some of you at a drill competion or something. I know we will be at Oakland, Vanderbilt, and Warren County. Look for the girls in the royal blue exhibition unforms and that's us.

Tony Davis - 10/16/98 03:03:24
My Email:ToeKneeD35@aol.com
How did you find my wesite?: websearch
nice site my daughter Ashley Davis is in your jrROTC

Adam Oscenbien - 10/12/98 21:42:11
My Email:RamTough@aol.com
How did you find my wesite?: just stumbbled on it
Please tell me any improvements that I can make for this website.: ROTC sucks
ROTC SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

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