Welcome to Granbury Lodge #392 Guest Book. Feel free to browse and be sure to sign in before you leave..

Jerry wilson - 11/10/00 02:31:08
My Email:JerryWilson99@msn.com
Home Lodge: Granbury 393
City: Granbury
State: Tx

Great job Chuck. I am impressed. Keep up the good work. Jerry

blake rather - 09/18/00 19:47:24
My Email:blake.rather@alliedelec.com
City: lipan
State: texas


lanie lee wynn - 09/17/00 19:05:57
My Email:leew385@aol.com
Home Lodge: canton#28
City: canton
State: miss


HARRELL ARMS - 09/12/00 18:41:08
My Email:armsfishfarm@itexas.net
Home Lodge: #504
State: TX.76446


Larry Fletcher - 08/03/00 12:45:08
My Email:popfletcher@hotmail.com
Home Lodge: Granbury 392
City: Granbury
State: TX

My home phone no. is 279-9833. J. B. Whitten is the Treasurer and Frank Cook is the Junior Stewart.

Tom Sewell - 01/30/00 18:17:58
My Email:tcs@vzinet.com
Home Lodge: Wills Point #422
City: Wills Point
State: Texas

I was a good friend of your deceased Past Master Henry "Hank" Moore. I know how much Hank thought of your Lodge and I wish you all the very best.

James Gregory, P.M. - 01/11/00 01:24:06
My Email:Jimmie.Gregory@worldnet.att.net
Home Lodge: Eureka Lodge No. 371
City: Springtown
State: Texas

Nice Web Page -- congratulations. James

Douglas Hancock - 12/22/99 05:32:27
My Email:d.e.hancock@worldnet.att.net
Home Lodge: Winnie Stowell 1377
City: Winnie
State: Texas

I'm W.M. of our lodge we just had our last stated meeting of the century.Congradulation on your 125 year celebration

Orville J. Ward Jr. - 12/18/99 22:30:09
My Email:ojward55@yahoo.com
Home Lodge: Eureka 371
City: Springtown
State: Texas

I just wanted to congratulate your Brothers on a super nice web page. Keep up the great work. Fraternally: Orville J. Ward

Brad Nickels - 12/15/99 23:59:57
My Email:bcnickels@itexas.net
Home Lodge: Glen Rose #525
City: Glen Rose
State: Texas

This is a nice site. I look forward to visiting with you soon.

Brad Nickels - 12/15/99 23:59:28
My Email:bcnickels@itexas.net
Home Lodge: Glen Rose #525
City: Glen Rose
State: Texas

This is a nice site. I look forward to visiting with you soon.

Donald Hoover - 09/03/99 02:11:17
My Email:dehoover@imagin.net
Home Lodge: Tabernacle
City: ft worth
State: Tx

Just surfing

Nolon - 08/27/99 14:58:48
My Email:nkellerhals@home.com
Home Lodge: #392
City: Granbury
State: TX

Hey bud, looks good but the calendar is 4 months behind. Lets get with it... HAHAHAHA

Tracy Wilkinson - 07/15/99 22:30:43
My Email:tracydw@mindspring.com
Home Lodge: Haltom City #1331/raised @duckcreek1419
City: Haltom City
State: Tx

Got a possilble canidate for you guys! Recieved an e-mail form a true and trusted brother over @ duck creek lodge. A Bro. Rex Dean Bell Masonic I.D. # 248155(suspended for NPD from Tarrant# 942)now living in Grandbury is interested in joining the lodge there. Could you possibly look him up there and help him out? If someone will give me there E-mail address I will forward the original E-mail to you. Thanks, Tracy D Wilkinson Senior Deacon Haltom City #1331

R.J. (Rob) Blake II - 05/20/99 20:28:08
My URL:http://molly.hsc.unt.edu/~rblake/
My Email:rblake@hsc.unt.edu
Home Lodge: Haltom City #1331
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas

Very well done site.

Travis Wieneke - 04/22/99 02:15:57
My Email:TWieneke@webtv.net
Home Lodge: Peninsular #95
City: Everett
State: Washington

you are doing a great job on you web page. I will be moving to the area soon and will be living in the mingus area, i think, I will be looking for a lodge to join and would appreciate a contact.

Cliff Guidry - 04/16/99 23:40:33
My Email:clifalma@aol.com
Home Lodge: LaMarque #1325
City: LaMarque
State: Texas, 77568-5411

I have been a member of LaMarque Lodge for (49)years. Past Master 1983, and serve as D.D.G.M. under R.W. Lenard Harvey.

bro Travis wieneke - 03/20/99 06:07:23
My Email:TWieneke@webtv.net
Home Lodge: peninsular #95
City: everett
State: washington

I found your page from the grand lodge of texas home page. My name is travis wieneke and my family and me will be moving to texas in september. I will be in search of a lodge that is close. I hope to be in the mingus area, but will have to go where the wo k is. I am just getting out of the Navy after serving four years and am trying to relocate to texas to be closer to my father, who works at the glenn rose post office. I would appreciate a response in hopes that i might gain a contact in the area that kn ws the going's on. thank you. bro travis

W.A. Werchan - 03/17/99 21:42:05
My Email:wwerchan@aol.com
Home Lodge: T.B. Hunter 1356
City: Grand Prairie
State: TX 75050

Also member of SR Hamilton 1031, Grand Prairie Chapter/Council, Arlington Commandery. Dallas Scottich Rite, Hella Temple etc. You have a great looking page. Good Luck.

W.A. Werchan - 03/17/99 21:36:23


- 02/14/99 14:30:46


Bobby Don Shelton - 02/14/99 14:27:42
My Email:bobdon33@aol.com
Home Lodge: 392


Jay H. Hill - 01/01/99 15:48:17
My Email:jayh3@prodigy.net
Home Lodge: C. F. Spencer #1384
City: Pearland
State: Texas

Just going through the Grand Lodge Links seeing whois out there.

GERALD S. HAMMONDS (ZERO) - 12/15/98 03:14:14
My Email:jerry28438@yahoo.com
Home Lodge: granbury 392, granbury, texas
City: granbury
State: texas

I know this may be a littel out of the ordinary, but, ask W.D. Sterling if he remembers ZERO.? I have been in numerous states and cities since I left texas in 1989. I have sit in a few lodges and still fill my blue lodge in granbury is home for ever. I have not considered dual membership because I am a firm beliver in not getting beyond one's raising. Raised there, home there. I never thought this internet thing was an asset, but one communication with my blue lodge changed my opinion considerably. I have not been to my home lodge in numerous years but feel closer than ever at this time. My most current dues card has no number. The I.D. is 316951. I would appreciate any communications related to GRANBURY 392, GRANBURY, TEXAS. My E-Mail address is jerry28438@yahoo.com. As I am extremely new at this computer business (E-mail) please allow me the priviledge of the proper address for Granbury Lodge 392 on the internet. My most sincere and profound good wishes to Bro. Sterling. He was (and still is) very instrumental in my travels to the East. There is no place for him in the North. Sorry for rambling on so, With best wishes and a most masonic holiday, Gerald S. Hammonds, 32nd deg

GERALD S. HAMMONDS (ZERO) - 12/15/98 02:58:26
My Email:jerry28438@yahoo.com
Home Lodge: granbury 392, granbury, texas
City: granbury


JAMES O. FAULKNER - 12/07/98 23:39:15
My Email:jof@lcc.net
Home Lodge: SAN JACINTO NO. 106
State: TEXAS


JAMES O. FAULKNER - 12/07/98 23:38:49
My Email:jof@lcc.net
Home Lodge: SAN JACINTO NO. 106
State: TEXAS


- 11/09/98 19:36:42


10/25/98 21:29:17
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Burton Burks, Jr. - 10/23/98 02:54:25
My Email:fbburks@itexas.net
Home Lodge: # 392
City: Granbury
State: Texas

Glad to see us HERE!

Cindy - 09/24/98 10:47:43
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Chris Eric Waller - 09/09/98 03:20:35
My Email:raytek@gte.net
Home Lodge: Christoval# 901
City: Christoval
State: Texas


Bryson Sewell - 08/05/98 02:42:28
My Email:www.Beik76@Hotmail.com
Home Lodge: Fort Richarson Lodge #320
City: Jacksboro
State: Texas


Bryson Sewell - 08/05/98 02:39:44


Bryson Se - 08/05/98 02:33:56


dale g. qumby - 07/30/98 21:15:45
My Email:barneyofield@webtv.net
Home Lodge: 392
City: granbury
State: tx

is there any one in the lodge whom i can communicate more regularly with? now that i have finally joined the 90's information age?

DALE G. QUIMBY - 07/30/98 20:42:51
My Email:barneyofield@webtv.net
Home Lodge: 392
City: granbury
State: tx

just wanted to say hello to every one as i am still in las vegas. also would lke to know who gos around to see the sick and make reports on them. please give my best to all the brothers in the lodge.

Chuck Forsyth - 07/16/98 15:18:46
My Email:chuckf@valcom-m.com
Home Lodge: H.A.McFarland #1338
City: Odessa
State: TX

I like your page. Where did you get the clip art? I like the bar w/square&compass. This is all new to me, I've been looking at Front Page for a few days, kicking around some ideas. I would like to do the same type of page where you have the symbols for O.E.S and Scottish Rite. etc. Thanks Chuck.

Jennifer Warren - 07/10/98 23:36:25
My Email:jwarren
Home Lodge: N/A
City: Houston
State: Texas

Hi. My name is Jennifer Warren. I am the Youth Activities Committee Chairman for Bethel No. 2 in Houston, Texas for Job's Daughters. Our Senior Princess, Celena Pharoan was in a serious auto accident and is in need of having her spirits lifted. Please send a card...I know it would be greatly appreciated. Celena can be reach care of: Bethel No. 2 Houston, Houston Scottish Rite Temple, PO Box 20788, Houston, Texas 77225-0788. Let's show Celena what Masonry truly means. Thank you and if you need to contact me please do so. Fraternally, Jennifer Warren

- 07/07/98 19:12:56


C. J. McKinney - 07/04/98 20:20:50
My URL:http://www.ghgcorp.com/cjm
My Email:cjm@ghg.net
Home Lodge: La Porte # 857
City: La Porte
State: Texas

I enjoyed visiting your fine web site. If your ever in the La Porte area, please drop in.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 23:02:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

J D Davidson - 07/02/98 21:21:51
My URL:http://www.cyberramp.net/~addy/crowley.html
My Email:JDDavidson@compuserve.com
Home Lodge: Crowley #1437
City: Crowley
State: TX

Nice web site! Keep up the good work.

Clifford A. Gray - 06/17/98 15:16:45
My Email:cagray@airmail.net
Home Lodge: Thomas B. Hunter Lodge AF&AM #1356
City: Grand Prairie
State: Texas

I am glad to meet you thus alone. Keep up Masonry You are doing a good job. I can tell by your web page. Outstanding!!!!

John A. Chromy - 06/10/98 14:14:11
My Email:cishr@cajunnet.com
Home Lodge: Granbury 392
City: Houma,
State: Louisiana

Dear W/M and brothers, I love your new web site. It's great to keep up with the latest news about my mother lodge. Keep up the innovative work. Congratulations to all who developed the site. Myself, who lives out of state, and all others who are not able to make the regular meetings will definitely appreciate this new site. Fraternally, across the miles, John Chromy

- 05/18/98 19:11:05


walter h. baldree - 05/18/98 04:55:02
My Email:wwhent@lipan.net
Home Lodge: charity 565
City: lipan
State: tx

i was very impressed i just got on the internet and was looking at the grand lodge site and linked to granbury's site i think that this is one way that we can expand our lodges we have to stay up with the times look forward to visiting your lodge again. e sure and let me know when the peak meeting will be and i will announce it at charity

- 05/11/98 19:00:20


NOLON - 05/06/98 06:02:22

Page 2 suggestion. I don't think we need our info on this page because of the designation at the top being for subordinate bodies. I also think the Commandery and Scottish Rite graphics should be in color if at all possible because it would give the page some shine and equality with the OES color graphic. I also think that your idea about some history of the lodge and subordinate bodies would go great here and make for interesting reading. If there is anying I can do to help my email add is nkellerhals@hotmail.com and home phone is 249-7303.

NOLON Kellerhals - 05/06/98 05:55:44
My Email:nkellerhals@hotmail.com
Home Lodge: Granbury #392
City: Granbury
State: TX

I like the layout of page 1. Graphics are very nice. Only suggestion i would make is to line up the left margin of office title and extend to even the left margin of officer name. eg. Worshipfull Master_______Bill Senior Warden____________Larry etc.. Well Done.. will view page 2 now

Chuck - 04/20/98 02:51:42
My Email:shag3@hotmail.com
Home Lodge: Granbury #392
City: Granbury
State: Texas


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