Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -------------------------------- Last modified: 2001.11.19 01. Can .pas fill files be used with Pfaff or Husqvarna embroidery software? No. .pas fill files can only be used with Brother PE-Design, Babylock Palette and Bernina Deco Wiz software. Version 2 and higher. 02. Can .pas fill files be converted to Husqvarna fill files? No. Not at the moment. 03. Can .pas fill files be converted to .pes files? No. .pas fill files are not design files. These fill files are used in the making of design files but are not design files themselves. 04. Where should downloaded .pas be placed? Anywhere. Some users prefer to store .pas fill files with the manufacturers fill files but it's not necessary. If you can remember where it's stored, you can use them. 05. I get a quick black window popping-up and disappearing when I run PEMTOPAS. This is due to running PEMTOPAS within Windows. PEMTOPAS isn't a Windows application. This is normal behaviour but an incorrect way of running this utility. The best solution is to find a computer user who is familiar with DOS to help you out. Otherwise, store all PEM files into the same directory as the PEMTOPAS utility. Open a DOS Window by selecting MS-DOS Prompt from Start->Programs->MS-DOS Prompt. Type "CD \directory" without quotes where directory is where you stored the PEMTOPAS and the PEM files. Type "PEMTOPAS" by itself to see the usage. I will consider making this utility more Windows friendly in the future. --- If you can think of other fill-related questions and/or answers feel free to E-mail me.