Welcome to the CYA Falcons Guestbook!

Paul David Steer - 10/13/99 13:36:50
My Email:pdsteer@canada.com
Favorite Team: North Delta Hurricanes

I saw your web site when I entered the words "u9 soccer" into my web-browser. I've been asked to lead my son's U-9 indoor soccer practice this Thursday evening and am trying to create a suitable plan. Do you have any helpful hints or tips as to which activities I might use over thecourse of a 1 hour under-9-boys's soccer practice? Cheers, Paul Steer, pro-tem coach.

Jeremy Williams - 01/16/99 23:59:48
My Email:rapids89@hotmail.com
Favorite Team: Rapids

Will you guys go to the loudoun tournament

Donna Brown - 11/05/98 18:43:44
Favorite Team: FaLCONS
Comments: i MADE IT


10/25/98 21:27:50
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Nibir Dhar, Coach D - 10/04/98 15:49:19
My URL:/~dharzone/falcons/falcons.html
My Email:dharzone@geocities.com
Favorite Team: Falcons & DC United

Hey Falcons dudes! you guys are looking great. Who is spending so much time on your web pages!! This guy must have nothing else to do, huh!!. Keep having fun with soccer!! and.. more GOOD LUCK FALCONS!

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