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The following book titles are available in my office for students use:
Abdul R. Jan Muhamed. Manichean Aesthetics. 2. Albert E. Kalson. Laughter in the Dark: the Plays of Alan Ayckbourn 3.
Andrew Bennet.
An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and
Theory 4. Andrew Bowie. Hermeneutics and Criticism 5.
Barry Smart. Postmodernity 6.
Bernard J. Paris. Imagined Human Beings 7. Cathrine Blackledge. The Story of V: Opening Pandora’s Box 8. Charles E. Bressler. Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 9. Chris Horrocks. Baudrillard for Beginners 10.
Christopher Norris. Deconstruction: Theory
and Practice 11.
Christopher Norris. What is
Deconstruction? 12. David M. Friedman. A Cultural History of the P***s 13. Duncan Heath. Introducing Romanticism 14.
Edward Said. Orientalism 15. F. Nietzsche. Thus Spoke Zarathustra 16. Frantz Fanon. The Wretched of the Earth 17.
Fredric Jameson. Postmodernism, or the Cultural
Logic of Late Capitalism 18.
Fredric Jameson. The Cultural Turn 19.
Geoffrey H. Hartman.
Criticism in the Wilderness: the Study of Literature Today 20. Gerald L. Bruns. Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern 21. Guycook. Discourse 22.
H. Aram Veeser. Confessions of the Critics 23.
H. Aram Veeser. The New Historicism 24.
Homi K. Bhabha. The Location of Culture 25. Hugh J. Silverman. Textualities: Between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction 26. I. A. Richards. Practical Criticism 27. Isaac Asimov. Words from the Myths 28. Issa J. Boullata. Critical Perspectives on Modern Arabic Literature 29.
J. Hillis Miller. Theory Now and Then 30.
Jane P. Tompkins. Reader-Response Criticism
From Formalism to Post-Structuralism 31.
Jean Baudrillard. Seduction 32. Jean Baudrillard. Simulacra and Simulation 33. Jessie L. Watson. From Ritual to Romance 34.
Jonathan Culler. Literary Theory 35.
Julia Christeva. Desire in Language: a
Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art 36.
Julia Christeva. In the Beginning was Love 37. Julie Adam. Versions of Heroism in Modern American Drama 38.
Keith Booker. A Practical Introduction to
Literary Theory and Criticism 39.
M. M. Bakhtin & P. N. Medvedev. The formal
Method in Literary Scholarship: A critical Introduction to
Sociological poetics 40. M. M. Bakhtin. The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship 41.
Maden Sarup. Identity, Culture and the
Postmodern World 42. Marion Baldock. Greek Tragedy: an Introduction 43.
Michael A. Sells.
Mystical Language of Unsaying 44.
Michael Foucault.
Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison 45. Michael Foucault. This is not a Pipe 46. Michael Holt. Alan Ayckbourn 47. Nicole Loraux. Tragic Ways of Killing a Woman 48.
Northrop Frye. Anatomy of Criticism 49. Octavio Paz. The Labyrinth of Solitude 50. Peter Szondi. Introduction to Literary Hermeneutics 51.
Pierre Macherey. Theory of Literary
Production 52.
Raymond Williams. Marxism and
Literature 53.
Raymond Williams. Reading and Criticism 54. Richard Lahan. The City in Literature 55. Robert R. Magliola. Phenomenology and Literature 56.
Robert Stam. Subversive Pleasure: Bakhtin
Cultural Criticism and Film 57. Rodney Simard. Postmodern Drama
Roland Barthes. Criticism
and Truth 59.
Roland Barthes. The Pleasure of the Text 60.
Rosalyn Diprose.
Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Difference 61. Suzanne P. Stetkevych. The Mute Immortals Speak 62. T.S. Dorsch. Classical Literary Theory 63.
Terry Eagelton. Introduction to Literary
Theory 64.
Toril Moi. Sexual/Texual Politics: Feminist
Literary Theory 65.
Umberto Eco.
The Role of the Reader : Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts 66. Vincent J. Rosivach. When a Young Man Falls in Love 67. Wilfred L. Guerin, etal. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature 68.
Wolfgang Iser. The Implied Reader