Journals, Books and Proceedings in which my Papers are Published

Dr. Visam Mansur

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Mansur, V. (1992). Literature and Furniture: Teaching Literature by Analogy. Cross Currents, Japan, 19(2), 186-188        Mansur, V. (1993). Towards Developmental ELT Supervision.  English Teaching Forum, USA, 31(3), 48-50       Mansur, V. (1994). Books: An Essential Element.  Reading Today, USA, 11(6), 20   Mansur, V. (1994). In Support of Cultural Studies.  Literature Matters [official newsletter of the British Council], UK, 15, 9

       Mansur, V. (1994). Cyprus: Anemone and Myrtle.  Akroterion, South Africa, 38, 142-145         Mansur, V. (1994). The use of L1 in the L2 classroom.  TESOL Journal, USA, 3(2), 44  Mansur, V. (1994). My Partner Said. in Bailey, K. M. and L. Savage (Eds), TESOL New Ways in Teaching Speaking (pp. 65-6). Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL      Mansur, V. (1995). Words, Words, Wordsworth.  in White, R. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways in Teaching Writing (pp. 199-200). Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL 

       Mansur, V. (1995). Hermeneutics and Deconstruction at Work: Teaching English Poetry to Non-native University Students. TESL Reporter, USA, 28(1), 32-36    Mansur, V. (1995). Classroom Graffiti. Modern English Teacher, UK, 4(2), 46-7         Mansur, V. (1996). Append a Scene. in Whiteson, V. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways of Using Drama and Literature in Language Teaching, (pp. 114-15) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL          Mansur, V. (1996). Play-write and Learn English. in Whiteson, V. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways of Using Drama and Literature in Language Teaching, (p. 116) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL     

 Mansur, V. (1997). Take Your Vorpal Sword. in Hand and Write in Lewis, M. L. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways in Teaching Adults, (pp. 88-89) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL       Mansur, V. (1997). It Takes My Speech Away. in Boswood, T. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways of Using Computers in Language Teaching, (pp. 168-9) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL           Mansur, V. (1998). Assess the Assessors.  in J. D Brown (Ed.) TESOL New Ways of Classroom Assessment, (pp. 132-4) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL        Mansur, V. (1998). Teaching Drama via Trials. English Teaching Forum, USA, (36) 3, 38-39  

  Mansur, V. (1998). The Faerie Queen: Love and Divinity. Fu Jen Studies, Taiwan, 7, 34-48     Mansur, V.(1998). Tragedy and the Self.  Forum Modernes Theater, Germany 11, 65-74       Mansur, V. (1999). Top 10 Grammar.  in Short, D. J. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways in Teaching Secondary ESL, (pp. 47-8) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL     Mansur, V. (1999). Integration of Cooperative Learning Techniques in Teacher Training Programmes. Proceedings of the Symposium on Contemporary Approaches to Teacher Training, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir

     Mansur, V. (1999). Appreciating Poetry. English Teaching Forum, USA, (37) 4, 28-29     Mansur, V. (1999). Give me a Word That….  in Tickoo, Makhan L. (Ed.) TESOL New Ways in Using Communicative Games in Language Teaching, (pp.103-4) Alexandria, VA, USA: TESOL    Mansur, V. (2000). Who is Afraid of CALL: Design Your Own Program.  Proceedings of the ELT conference on Global Problems, Local solutions, Isik Unýversity, Istanbul         Mansur, V. (2000). Crusoe: A Simulacrum of the Last Puritan Mind. The Journal of Sakarya University, Turkey 2, 46-51    

  Mansur, V.(2000). Pessimism in Pinter's Drama: A Philosophical Perspective. Forum Modernes Theater, Germany 15,174-177        Mansur, V. (2001). A Reading of the First 21 Lines of the Stage Direction in Osborne's Look Back in Anger and the Theories of Reading.  Proceedings of Second Malaysia International Conference on Language, Literatures and Cultures, MPU, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia           Mansur, V. (2001). To Sin is Human: The Metamorphosis of the Subject in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. The Journal of Sakarya University, Turkey  1(2), 62-68    Mansur, V.(2002). Human Hyperlinks: An Activity of Empowering the Student in the English Literature class.  TESL Reporter, USA 35(1), 31-35 

    Mansur, V. (2002). Theories of Reading and Interpretation: A Reading of the First 21 Lines of the Stage Direction in Osborne's Look Back in Anger. The Journal of Sakarya University, Turkey  1(1), 23-30     Mansur, V.(2002). "MacDiarmid's In the Fall". The Explicator, USA 61(1), 45-46    Mansur, V. (2002). Evil in Alan Ayckbourn Drama.  in Judi Upton-Ward (Ed.), New Millennium Perspectives in the Humanities. Brigham Young University,  USA, (pp.135-140)    Mansur, V.(2002). "Turn Students into Hyperlinks: A Way of Involving Students in Decoding Difficult Texts." Modern English Teacher, UK 11(3), 36-38    

  Mansur, V.(2002). Teaching English in a Simulated Web Environment,  1st  International Symposium on Modern Approaches, Methods and ELT Problems, SDU, Isparta, Turkey   Mansur, V., Tugcen Akar (2003). Democracy in the Arab Countries Texts, Turkey ll (2), 11-17   Mansur, V. (2003). The Heuristic Approach to Teaching Literary Theory. The Journal of Sakarya University, Turkey,  5 (1-2), 208-215   Mansur, V. (2004). Teaching Literary Theory without Opaqueness.  Academic Exchange Quarterly, U.S.A., 8 (1), 299-303  

Mansur, V. (2004). Hands on Post/Colonialism: Theory for Beginners. Civil Academy, Turkey 2 (3), 43-48     Mansur, V. (2004).       Mansur, V. (2005). Arab Women in Nizar Kabbani's Poetry. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East,  U.S.A.,25 (2), 481-487 

 Mansur, V. (2005). Hands on Feminism: Literary Theory for Beginners. Civil Academy, Turkey, 3 (1), 35-41   Mansur, V. (2005). Gender Ambivalence in Donne's Valediction: Forbidding Mourning. English Language Notes, USA,  42 (4), 19-23   Mansur, V. (2005). Hands on Marxism: Marxist Literary Theory for Beginners. Civil Academy, Turkey, 3 (2), 39-43     Mansur, V. (2005). Review of the Story of V: Opening Pandora’s Box. Sexuality and Culture, U.S.A., 9 (3), 81-83  

    Mansur, V. (2005). The Reality Beyond the Hyperbolic Accentuation of the Self in ash-Shanfara's 'Lamiyyatu'l Arab'.  Journal of Near Eastern Studies, U.S.A., 64 (4), 257-269    Mansur, V. (2006). The Postmodern Penelope: Coelho’s The Zahir and the Metamorphosis in Gender Relations.  The Arabesques Review, Algeria., 2, (1),34-37    Mansur, V. (2006). The Coming of the Anti-Penelope and Ulysses: The Collapse of Gender Stereotypes in the Zahir.  Civilacademy, Turkey, 4, (1), 19-22     Mansur, V. (2006). Occupation and the City: a Reading in Sahar Khalifeh’s the Sunflower, The Arabesques Review, Algeria, 3, (1), 45-60

    Mansur, V. (2006). The Postmodern Penelope: Coelho’s The Zahir and the Metamorphosis in Gender Relations.  Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Turkey, 5, (1&2), 92-96      Mansur, V. (2006). al-Shanfara's Lamiyyatu'l Arab and the Horrors of Desert Traveling, Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakutesi Dergisi, Turkey,  45 (2), 45-57   Mansur, V. (2006) "Islam and Conflict Management: The Koranic Truth about Struggle, War and Terror", 2nd International conference of the Asian Philosophical Association: the Rise of Asian Community and the Dialogue between Past and Future of the World. Pusan, Korea    Mansur, V. (2006). Donne’s the Flee, The Explicator, U.S.A.,  65 (1), 07-09  

  Mansur, V. (2006). The Power of Simulation in Miller’s The Crucible, Journalof Cukurova University, Turkey,  15 (2), 283-294      Mansur, V. (2007). Review of David M. Friedman, A Mind of Its Own, The Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality (JMMS), U.S.A. 1 (1), 103-104     Mansur, V. (2007). Conflict Management in Islam: The Qur’an on Struggle, War and Terror, Muslim Public Affairs Journal, U.S.A., Winter 2007, 57-65     Mansur, V. (2007). The Brain, Heart, Rectum: Humor, Literary Theory and Terror, The Arabesques Review, Algeria, 2, (4), 15-20

Mansur, V.(2007) “The Confiscated Dreams: Occupation and the City in Khalifeh’s Writings", Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Turkey, 6 (3&4), 60-71      Mansur, V.(2007) "The Violence of the Archive", English Language Notes, U.S.A., 45 (1), 41-45     Mansur, V. (2007) So Much Depends Upon a Strong Woman. The Journal of Sakarya University, Turkey,  9 (1), 205-211



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