Initialy named Sek . Men . Ren . Keb . Endau , the school was established on January 10 , 1965 . As the school buildings were still under construction , the students had to study at Sek . Keb . Perempuan Endau . About a year later- in January 1966 - the students had to move to Endau Civic Center .
Then , in early October 1967 , the work on the construction of Sek . Men . Ren . Keb . Endau buidings was finally concluded . The school had 2 new buildings . There were 8 classes , a science laboratory , a and a home science room . The school was renamed as Sek . Men .Ungku Husin ( SMUH ) Endau , Johor . Ungku Husin was a prominent local figure who once held the office of the third Endau Commissioner which carried the title " Orang Kaya Shahbandar Endau " .
In September 1974 , the school was scheduled to have an additional building which consisted of 6 classrooms , a library , 2 science laboratoratories , an office , a canteen and a garage for bicyles .Unfortunately , the construction was delayed . Consequently , 120 students had to study at Sek . Keb . Pusat Air Tawar ,Endau which was 5 kilometers away . Inearly 1976 , the students were then moved to Sek . Keb . Bandar Endau . Then , at last , in March 1976 the delayed construction was successfully completed.
On July 7 ,1977 the school was officiated by the Head Secretary of the Education Ministry . In early 1982 , a classroom , 4 scence laboratories and a garage for bicyles . It was first utilized in the second semester of 1983
Later , April 1990 , another 3 - story - building which had 12 classroom 3 science laboratories , 5 stores and 2 toilets was constructed . It was first used on December 1 , 1991.