Since first 5 years of any child are crucial for an all - round development, it is important that training of Hearing Impaired infant begins at the earliest. Unfortunately, in India, training facilities for young Hearing Impaired infants and children are not available in rural areas and smaller towns. To rectify this, Nilam Patel Bahushrut Foundation has an ambitious plan of offering free home - based correspondence course to parents of such Hearing Impaied children.
This would enable parents to start training their young Hearing Impaired infant at an early age. This in turn will ensure normal development in terms of language and speech, this will further enable them to receive mainstream education and open doors for higher education and equal opportunities.
Due to financial constraints, this project has not yet been taken up. We hope to receive generous donations from concerned people like you to help us start the correspondence course.
For further information regarding donations write an E-mail to