Hello. Thank you for visiting my page. Please take the time to sign my guest book, and I'll be sure to sign yours when I visit your page.


Jan Hurenkamp - 02/20/00 16:33:39
My URL:http://members.home.nl/janhurry/
My Email:janhurry@home.nl
I like your site, really. Well done! Feel free to visit mine, I would be pleased.

Visit JanHurry homepage, http://members.home.nl/janhury/

Steen Schøn - 02/03/00 19:52:04
My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/1711/
My Email:van_rapp@yahoo.com
I just wanted to say hello and compliment you on your website

Tom Jutte - 11/13/99 00:08:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/theTropics/Cabana/8177/
My Email:hereistom@freemail.nl
Your favorite URL: /TheTropics/Cabana/8177/
Your second favorite URL: http://www.hereistom.tmfweb.nl
Weird URL: http://www.home.wish.net/~tomjutte
Very nice website, best regards from Tom.

Visit Tom Jutte'
 Home Page, http://move.to/my.website

Jen - 10/30/99 02:01:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sugar41248
My Email:x@freudian.com
Topics of Interest: writing
Your favorite URL: http://www.execpc.com/~kkbugdoc
Your second favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/jayme07
Weird URL: http://www.geocities.com/neveragain64
Hey, I love your page. If you want to join my webring, come visit my page and click "join my webring" on the menu.

Ken Holly - 09/19/99 02:18:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/concorde/6734
My Email:kenholly_99@yahoo.com
Your favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/4465
I love a rebel. Especially when she is a learned rebel!

Kimmy Smith - 07/28/99 13:11:20
My URL:http://www.kimmysmith.com
My Email:kimmysmith@kimmysmith.com
Great page. I appreciate your stopping by and your kind words.

RiRi - 07/28/99 09:07:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/KD1BM
My Email:kd1bm@earthlink.net
Topics of Interest: Auto racing, amateur radio - not CB!, computers
Your favorite URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/RandomActsOfKindness/index.html
Your second favorite URL: http://www.zone.com
Weird URL: http://www.theonion.com
Hi! Loved your comments Marriage Antics! How true! As for El Nino, can you tell me why we, in Connecticut are experiencing the hottest summer in years, drought conditions and humidity to soak a sponge *G* Please send us some of your rain! O for a snowfla e now! LOL
RiRi's CyberHaven - Allow the music to wash over your soul
Random Act of Kindness

Kenny - 07/28/99 08:29:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~clsmith/kenny.html
My Email:clsmith@usa.com
Topics of Interest: Elvis
Your favorite URL: http://members.tripod.com/~clsmith/clsmith.html
Very nice page, I really enjoyed myself.

Webmasters can make money!

Webmasters can make money!

Steen Schøn - 06/23/99 09:54:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1711/
My Email:van_rapp@yahoo.com
Topics of Interest: wargames, history
I like your site; I found your section about marriage very interesting LOL

Marc W. McCord - 06/23/99 04:13:11
My URL:http://canoeman.com
My Email:canoeman@canoeman.com
Topics of Interest: whitewater canoeing, wilderness camping, music, poetry, genealogy, flying, golf, target shooting, WOMEN!
Your favorite URL: http://www.nasa.gov
Your second favorite URL: http://www.utexas.edu

That is quite a philosophy on life you have here! I assume that you said that stuff tongue-in-cheek, becasue otherwise you might be heading for divorce court. But, we men feel the same way about women - we can't live with you and we can't live without ou!

I am looking forward to more content on your web site, and hope you keep working on it.

Cheer Bear - 02/16/99 04:25:27
My URL:http://boozers.fortunecity.com/crownanchors/460/
My Email:cheer_bear@fcmail.com
Topics of Interest: Everything
Eventually I'll have a page up and running well too ... Please drop by and give me a hand. Thanks.

solofalcon - 01/18/99 18:03:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/portal/5051
My Email:solofalcon@hotmail.com
Topics of Interest: Personal philosophies
Your favorite URL: www.geocities.com/area51/portal/5051
Your second favorite URL: see above
Weird URL: see above
Very cool page. Note: Neither money nor lack thereof is evil. The love of money is evil. (Read the Pardoner's Tale). Can you tell I'm a Brit Lit student? :). For something slightly more cynical, check out my Ave Discordia page. Thanks!

10/25/98 21:26:12
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Kim Rose - Absolute Rutabega Records - 09/27/98 22:30:25
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AbsoRut/index.htm
My Email:AbsoRut@aol.com
Topics of Interest: music
Hello from Minnesota! Interesting site! Enjoyed the trivia and games. Keep on rockin the free world - KimRose

Cindy - 09/24/98 10:44:48
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Chris - 09/21/98 17:57:35
My URL:http://www.abutton.com
My Email:no@harvasting.com
Topics of Interest: Cars, Stamps, comuting
Your favorite URL: http//www.abutton.com/games.html

Wow, sites lookin good.

Hey hey nice site, keep up the good work, stop by and visit me, get a button, or just browse and press my buttons.
abutton indexChanging button1changing button3
Come see what the press of abutton.com can do for you!

Ramon Allen - 09/09/98 20:24:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/5028
My Email:burnout21@hotmail.com
Hey jsut surfed on in and I thought that i would take a look around and see what is there (i like it) i was however wondering if you would take a look at my web page and tell me what you think by signing my guestbook i would really appreciate it

Philip - 09/03/98 10:03:02
Mary, loved your site. You're obviously loving life. Keep it up. It really is grand, eh? Thanks for the fun. :-) -Phil

Joe Eckhart - 09/03/98 05:17:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/813
My Email:Brethren_fanatic@juno.com

Vicki Mongold - 07/29/98 14:57:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/1529
My Email:db4113@dragonbbs.com
Topics of Interest: anything
Your favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/5467/jim.html
Your second favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/palms/4396
Weird URL: I don't know!
I bookmarked your page so I can come back and check it out again. I hope you get a chance to check outr mine and sign my guestbook.

Wayne Himself - 07/28/98 16:02:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/4365
My Email:wstansbury@hotmail.com
Topics of Interest: anti-parental; music; traveling; computers
Your favorite URL: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com
Your second favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/4365/anti-parental/
I highly disagree with your web remark in my guestbook. All parents that agree with you, need to go into my parental rehab, which will be up in the fall of 1998.

Sam - 07/25/98 20:45:24
My URL:http://weezyweez.by.net
My Email:weezyweez@weezyweez.by.net
Topics of Interest: movies, books, RPGs, art
Weird URL: http://www.intop.net/~beasley
I like the fact that this is not another "fan site". Having someone express their own thoughts and philosophies on life is a welcome change.

Onyboy - 07/12/98 13:31:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/baja/6940
My Email:N/A
Topics of Interest: N/A
Your favorite URL: N/A
Your second favorite URL: N/A
Weird URL: N/A

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 22:59:53
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Steve - 06/24/98 03:54:27
My URL:http://surf.to/awesome
My Email:awesome2@accessv.com
Topics of Interest: uh... hmm.... i dunno?
Your favorite URL: surf.to/awesome
Your second favorite URL: hmm... surf.to/awesome ?
Weird URL: uh... surf.to/awesome ?
Hey!!! Cool page!! Really personal, so that's cool! I wanted to do something like that, but didn't know what to write. Oh yeah, for the favorite, 2nd favorite and weird link I put the link to my site in hopes to get many more hits. =) ha ha... I doubt it'll work. I'll check back here occasionally to see all the cool stuff you'll have up and explore what you have now... (gots to go cuz really tired)


-["AWESOME" <------- ]

Dawn - 06/23/98 23:42:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/dskip
My Email:dskip@rocketmail.com
Topics of Interest: Aphex Twin, Prodigy, Bush
Your favorite URL: http://www.starvoice.springweb.com/realaudio/fluid/milkman.ram
Your second favorite URL: http://www.thewomb.com
Cool page you got here!! I enjoyed my visit! Keep up the good work.

Rick - 06/23/98 04:17:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~rrsands
My Email:geosurfer@hotmail.com
Topics of Interest: All sorts of stuff...
Your favorite URL: http://www.download.com
Your second favorite URL: http://nonags.com
Weird URL: http://www.microsoft.com

Testing - 06/23/98 02:20:06
My guestbook seems to have been out of commission ... so I'm just testing.

Roger Gillette - 06/23/98 01:55:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Roger_Gillette
My Email:gilletter@hotmail.com
Topics of Interest: Diablo
Okay page. I like it.

Cheer Bear - 06/06/98 03:58:15
My Email:Cheer-Bear@fcmail.com
Topics of Interest: Everything
Just looking around!

Shosha - 06/03/98 03:42:13
My URL:http://Over.To/beresford
My Email:shosha.b@mci2000.com
Topics of Interest: Anything!!
I popped in, because you signed my guestbook. Thanks for your compliment!!! In return I much love the idea of a sort of "independent" site without any binding topic other than featuring your thoughts and philosophies. I also like the "under construction" animation, very cool:-). I am sure I'll come up with a suggestion some day, and I'll let you know. Please feel free to contact me again, since I just moved in two weeks ago. My current site is a very little baby beginner:-) Shosha

Nepartez - 06/01/98 20:56:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/nepartez/
My Email:Nepartez@lynchburg.net
Topics of Interest: Poetry+Art+Music=ME
Your favorite URL: ALL
Your second favorite URL: ALL
Weird URL: http://www.sightings.com
Thank you for signing my guestbook...it is nice to see that great minds do think alike...evolution not devolution is our quest...the point of a journey is not to arrive...the point of departure is not to return...the heart of a lonely hunter...plots a dan erous frontier...Nepartez

Bill"Ugli Coyote" Davis - 05/16/98 15:01:51
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/5520
My Email:uglicoyote@geocities.com
Topics of Interest: Poetry, writing
Your favorite URL: http://www.cjnetworks.com/~poetry/
Your second favorite URL: http://www.fortunecity/victorian/manet/133/pdindex.html
Weird URL: The First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine(do a search)
Great page so far..thanks for visiting mine and let me know when you have the short stories up so I can check back and read.
Peace, Ugli

Ugli Coyote Wants You!
Submit Your Writing

Donomiser - 05/15/98 15:18:00
My URL:http://coyote.accessnv.com/dono/
My Email:donomiser@earthling.net
Topics of Interest: I have Many..From a to z..
Your favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7159/
Your second favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/3391/
Weird URL: http://www.cruel.com/
Thank you for coming by and signing the guestbook! I enjoyed your site..It is great! Enjoy putting forth those opinions! I know I enjoy my space on the web! CYA!Donomiser..I shall return!

Wayne's Mom - 05/12/98 16:48:05
My Email:staff3_df@msn.com
Topics of Interest: Everything!
Your favorite URL: http://aprilfools.infospace.com/home.htm
I find this website very interesting! I like the idea of a parenting section.....you might include all the contract details they never let parents see til our kids get here!

Karlo - 03/30/98 20:08:27
My URL:http://www.cryogen.com/spikerboy
My Email:spikerboy@cryogen.com
I'm hungry, I'm hungry! I said with a sigh.
I want to cancel my dinner and go straight to my pie.
I want ice cream and cake and toast on my jelly,
And I don't care if I grow a big belly!

Andrea - 03/25/98 21:02:42
Topics of Interest: computers
You go girl!

Robbq - 03/14/98 14:31:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/4455
My Email:robbq@yahoo.com
Topics of Interest: Stuff
Your favorite URL: http://www.beef-cake.com
Your second favorite URL: http://www.wallstreetsports.com
Weird URL: http://www.fppro.com/mmularz/
Very nice page keep up the good work i will be sure to keep coming back =)

Tammy - 03/14/98 06:24:34
I loved the marriage story!!! So true.

Lisa - 03/10/98 05:45:52
My Email:lisa135@aol.com
This is a very clean site. I think your thoughts are very funny - and actually true.

Mary - 03/07/98 09:12:56
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~mgillett/
My Email:mgillett@concentric.net
Topics of Interest: computing, books, needlework
Your favorite URL: www.bezerk.com
All's okay.

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