Mission Statement
All are welcome!
Both Believers AND Questioners of
The Faith in Jesus Christ are invited.

The Christian Fellowship Club is an interdenominational collection of followers of

Jesus Christ. It is made up of students and staff members growing in their

commitment to The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We stress to focus only upon

what all Christians have in common that is God's Word to us, The Bible. In the words

of Paul, the apostle, in his second letter to Timothy, he says, "All Scripture is

inspired from God [God-breathed] and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting,

and training in righteousness."(2Tim. 3:16)

        Meetings consist of reading and studying The Bible. This is not an impersonal

forum, suchas a lecture hall. This is a personal and interactive forum. Each week,

the Christian Fellowship Club will discuss a different topic about The Bible and

what it means to everyone in the world. Discussions of conflicting viewpoints

are also openly welcomed.

      Besides this, The Christian Fellowship Club also spends time each week in

corporate prayer and worship. Strong encouragement of this is given because we

believe these are some of the essentials to building strong Christians.

       Please, don't misunderstand! We're not a bunch of stiff-necked individuals who

are nothing but boring! We love to have fun as much as anyone else.

We also strive to make our weekly meetings a comfortable place, and give

mid-week rest and renewal to college students during their busy schedules.

So please, don't feel intimidated but find out what we're all about by

attending a meeting sometime. It's always going to be: 


Thursday at 1:10pm in Rm. C-319 

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