Northmen Newsletter

January 2005

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  As of this writing we are making plans for Northmen 2006. Our theme will deal with evangelism. If you want to suggest speakers or special topics please get them to us soon.

  Northmen Thailand

  Northmen Ministries (What is happening with the Ministries)

Web sites

Cannon Creek Site

Campsite cost

  Youth Programs

  Where to stay


Junior & Teen Sessions:

A big part of Northmen has always been the junior and teen boys who share the meeting with the men. Separate sessions for juniors and for teens are offered each year.  It is becoming harder and harder to find people who are willing to share in the leading of these sessions in teaching or music.  If you would be willing to be apart of a session(s) please let us know.  We are presently seeking six church groups to lead the four teaching and two recreational sessions for juniors. Want to help? Drop us a line and we will sign you up. Click here for email addresses.

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Where to stay:

Most Northmen camp at the grounds where the meeting is held. This is primitive camping with a first come, first serve campsite basis. You make your own campsite in the forest provided.  Cost is mentioned on main page.  You will need everything for eating and sleeping. We will give a more detailed list when it is available. Some campers choose to stay off site at area campgrounds or at Wilderness Christian Assembly. This is generally due to their having the entire family along. If you desire to reserve a campsite or a cabin at Wilderness the phone number is (231)658-0080.

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Northmen Thailand:

Over the last two years people have traveled to Thailand to develop Northmen and Northwomen meetings there.  The first year only a Northmen gathering was held with about 50 men and boys sharing.  This past December both Northmen and Northwomen meetings were held with some 70 men and boys sharing in the camp out and about 40 women and girls at the Kids for Christ hostel.

We pray this will be an ongoing project and leaders in Thailand are being encouraged to develop and carry on the meetings on their own.  While in Thailand those who went to share were also involved in teaching, preaching and many projects for the hostel.  Ahapa Sinlee and his wife Leah lead this work among the Lisu, thia and other people on northern Thailand. What a challenge as they have 68 children from various villages being trained in the scripture and other languages so they can preach to their own people.  If you desire more information about this ministry please contact us or the Traverse City Christian Church @ P.O. Box 682 Traverse City, MI. 49684

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Northmen Ministries:

We will take just a few lines and let you know what is happening with the ministries.

Web sites: We are presently working with two web sites: First is the one you’re currently on. This is the one we’ve had for several years. The second one is a new one at It is being developed by Brett Hibble of Freemont OH. We want to thank him very much for working on this with us. This site will contain all information about the summer’s meeting plus information about Northmen Ministries.  We also intend to have regularly updated articles, information of import and answers to questions of this site.  We will be mailing you through your email, if we have your address, to inform you when this site has been updated or has new material.  We hope you will use these two methods of keeping track of the Northmen and what is happening. We will be phasing out our Northmen paper with one more issue after this one. We welcome email addresses to put on our list and we encourage you to take information from the sites, copy it and use it as handout to promote the August meeting.

Cannon Creek Site:  So far as we know now the site is still available to us for our use this summer.  We are making plans to meet there.  As in the past we work with the DNR on this and they assure us of usage until the law changes which will limit camping near “wilderness” rivers and their tributaries. Canon Creek is a tributary of the Manistee River.

We intend to meet at the same site we have used for the past 42 years.  When and if a change comes we will let you know by every means possible.

Campsite cost: We are fully aware that many of you are disturbed by the “overnight” camping fee we must collect for the state.  It is disturbing to us also but to use the site it must be done. If $3.00 per night per person seems heavy we can understand after years of free camping.  But as the government prevails we must adhere. Please be aware of this cost and be prepared to meet it as you come to the camp area.  It will be up to you, in your camp, to have the amount ready for those who may come by collecting it.  We do keep track and we promise the state that we will collect from everyone.  Last year there were over 100 camps. Highest numbered camps were in the 22-27 range.

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