"It is better to know the truth than hang hope on lies."

Last updated 5/24/2000

This page is intended to express my views on religion to the world at large. I am not trying to convert people to atheism, although I would like to make the reader think. A person who knows the truth about what goes on around him or her is better equipped to be effective in life than one who believes things that aren't true. For this reason, it's in your own best interest to base your beliefs on what you know to be true rather than what you want to be true.

I'm renovating this entire page, splitting it up into separate essays rather than one very long essay. This is mainly intended to allow me to add to it without disrupting the coherence. Please excuse any sloppy appearances as I make this change.

I will not divulge my name to the reader, because I don't want to start receiving personal mail from people who strongly disagree with my beliefs. However, i do have an e-mail address set up specifically for feedback from this web page, so please send me feedback! I want to hear what you think (whether its good or bad) so please e-mail me.I reply to just about every feedback e-mail I receive, but sometimes it takes a while because I don't check this e-mail address every day.

Please note that I have tried to capitalize all references to God, not because I believe in Him, but because it is grammatically correct. I know my spelling ability is horrible, but at least my grammar is good.

people have seen through the light since 5/25/00.

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