The MindBender ?

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What is the MindBender?

We like to think of ourselves as weekly trips to the gym for your brain. But, unlike the gym we come to you.
Each week our subscribers receive up to three puzzle and answer mailings from us. All messages
are formatted alike; the subject is either "Q: Puzzle Name" for questions or "A: Puzzle Name" for answers. Puzzles are brainteasers, word games, number conundrums, logical mysteries, or something else we feel is worthy of stumping you. At the bottom is subscription/unsubscription information.

There are currently three moderators to the MindBender list. They will be more or less active depending on their work loads and activity schedules.

If you're up to the challenge and would like to subscribe, click here
"I want The MindBender"
Please note, duplications will be deleted!
To Unsubscribe to the MindBender follow instructions at the bottom of every mailing.

Send? Mail?to?Th e Mind Bender

go here to see all the previous MindBenders

April 1-June 15 1998.... June 16-August 11 1998.... August 12-September 16 1998.... September 17-November 23 1998
November 24-January 5 1999.... January 6-March 14 1999.... March 15-June 6 1999.... June 7-August 2 1999
August 3-October 25 1999.... October 26-January 10 2000.... January 11-April 3 2000.... April 4-July 10 2000
July 11-October9 2000.... October 10-January 29 2001.... January 30-May 21 2001.... May 22-August 13 2001
August 14-December 2 2001.... December 3-March 7 2002.... March 8-June 27 2002.... June 28-October 13 2002
October 14-Present

This list wouldn't exist without the constant support and generosity of Mike Avery
( and his list-server at OtherWhen.

PaintSaint helped make this page. check out his Riddles page.

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