From: CAIR []
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:20 PM
To: Arshad, Mohammad CIV OSD DMEA
Subject: CAIR-NET: Muslim Group Calls for Imus Advertiser, Guest Boycott / FBI Investigates Desecrated Quran at TN Mosque / Israeli Excavations Threaten Al-Aqsa
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful


* Hadith: Justice Rewarded by God
* Action: Help Support CAIR's Important Work
* Muslim GroupCalls for Imus Advertiser, Guest Boycott
* CAIR: Israeli Excavations Threaten Al-Aqsa (SF Chron)
* Video: FBI Investigates Desecrated Quran at TN Mosque

            - TN: Hate Crime Was Disgusting (Leaf-Chronicle)
            - FL: White Powder Foundd at Muslim School (Sun-Sent)
* CAIR-MN Hosts First Annual Muslim Women's Forum
            - CAIR-CA Rep Joins Immiigration March Commemoration
            - CAIR-OH Hosts Town Halll Meeting on Elections
            - CAIR-MI Rep Meets withh European Commission Rep
            - CAIR: Federal Bureaucracy Delays Green Cards
* CT: Muslims Face Bias in State's Prisons (Courant)
* DC: MAS Freedom Foundation Rally for Sami Al-Arian
* DC: Scholar Compares Islam, Democracy (Wash Post)
            - PA: Islamic Center Hit by Fire
            - Actors Face Dilemma in Portraying Terrorists (WSJ)
* Financial Institutions Expand Products for U.S. Muslims



The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "For every day on which the sun rises, there is a (reward from God) for the one who establishes justice among people."

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Hadith 870



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(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/11/07) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on advertisers and guests to boycott Don Imus' radio program because of his long history of racist and bigoted comments.

In the latest controversy, Imus made racist and demeaning remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team. He has since been suspended for a two-week period.

SEE: Ads Pulled, Ousted Demanded in Imus Aftermath (AP)

The Washington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group says Imus has repeatedly made racist and bigoted comments about African-Americans, Jews, Asians, and other minority groups.

In 2004, CAIR received an apology from MSNBC for anti-Arab/anti-Muslim remarks made on the "Imus in the Morning" program. In a segment commenting on the alleged execution of a wounded Iraqi by a U.S. Marine, a fictitious "Senior Military Affairs Advisor" to the program justified the killing by referring to a "booby-trapped raghead cadaver." Another "Imus" program referred to Palestinians as "stinking animals" and suggested that they all be killed.

SEE: MSNBC Apologizes for 'Imus' Remarks (CAIR)

As early as 1985, Imus was forced to apologize for referring to Arabs as "goat-humping weasels." In a reference to the 2004 crash of an Iranian airliner that killed 43 passengers, Imus said, "When I hear stories like that, I think who cares." He then stated: "Too bad it wasn't full of Saudi Arabians."

In a statement, CAIR said:

"No advertiser who seeks customers, and no guest who wants to maintain his or her credibility, should have anything to do with a host who has such a long history of bigoted and racist comments. We all value the First Amendment right to free speech, but the listening and viewing public has no obligation to reward, or support those who reward the promotion of hatred and intolerance."

CAIR's statement is part of the group's ongoing "Hate Hurts America" campaign designed to counter hate speech on talk radio.

CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail:; CAIR Communications Coordinator Rabiah Ahmed, 202-488-8787 or 202-439-1441, E-Mail:; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, E-Mail:


Excavations threaten mosque
Omar Ahmad, San Francisco Chronicle, 4/11/07

Imagine if Iran decided to build a museum on the site of a 1,000-year-old Jewish cemetery, or if the Egyptian government threatened to destroy an ancient Jewish temple. Both scenarios would likely be met with outrage. Members of Congress might make indignant speeches decrying anti-Semitism. They might even threaten to tighten the spigot on aid to Egypt. They would be right to protest such acts.

Yet both offenses against another religion are being committed today -- by Israel. And the outrage is conspicuously missing.

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has partnered with the Israeli government to build a new "Museum of Tolerance" in Jerusalem. According to former Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Meron Benvenisti, the museum site encompasses a Muslim cemetery seized by Israel in 1948 and long-since paved over. What does a shrine to tolerance mean when it is constructed -- literally -- over the dead bodies of a Palestinian population that was expelled from its homeland.

In the heart of Jerusalem's Old City, Israeli archaeological excavations threaten the foundation of the compound that houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest shrine, and the Dome of the Rock, whose golden dome is the most striking feature of the Jerusalem skyline. For Muslims worldwide, these mosques hold enormous religious significance. Muslims, in fact, first faced Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in prayer, only later facing Mecca.

My own parents, born in a Palestinian village a mere 12 miles from Jerusalem, spoke often of their trips to Jerusalem to pray at Al-Aqsa. In 1948 when Israel was established, my family was expelled and their village was destroyed. They fled to a refugee camp in Jordan where I was born and raised. Less than an hour's drive from Jerusalem, I could only dream of praying in Al-Aqsa. The religious freedom denied me in my own homeland was granted to me as an American "tourist." I traveled to Jerusalem for the first and only time as a young man in 1991. My prayers at the magnificent Al-Aqsa Mosque are perhaps the most emotionally overwhelming and fulfilling experiences of my life.

Since occupying Jerusalem in 1967, Israel has striven to solidify Jewish dominance over this city that is sacred to three faiths. Al-Aqsa stands as perhaps the most visible obstacle. In 1967, the Israeli army's chief rabbi, Shlomo Goren, urged Israeli forces commander Uzi Narkis, to use 100 kilograms of explosives to "get rid of" Al-Aqsa "once and for all." Narkis, as quoted by Israeli historian Avi Shlaim in "The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World," (W.W. Norton &Company, 2001) had the wisdom to refuse the rabbi's request. (MORE)

Omar Ahmad is the founder and chairman emeritus of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He is the CEO of a Silicon Valley technology company.


WKRN, 4/11/07

The FBI has been contacted about a possible hate crime in the city of Clarksville.

Islamic residents there told police they found a copy of the Koran on their doorstep that had been desecrated. They said clearly, it was a message of hate aimed at followers of Islam

Jerome Heath never expected to see a message of hate when he showed up for his Friday prayers at the Clarksville Islamic Center.

Unfortunately, that's what he found.

He said, "We were upset, because the actual words of God, someone had written profanities on that."

Inside the book, someone had left two strips of raw bacon and wrote the words "F Islam".

Clarksville Police took the book as evidence and have contacted the FBI.

The center, located in this strip mall for the past year and a half, is where a couple dozen followers of Islam meet every Friday for noon day prayers.

Until last week, they had never felt unwelcome.

Even now, Heath said the solitary act doesn't change that. (MORE)


Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 4/11/07

It was disheartening to hear that the local Islamic Center of Clarksville was the center of what Clarksville Police have classified as a hate crime.

A defaced Quran was left on the front steps of the Islamic Center. An expletive was included with two strips of bacon. Muslims are forbidden from eating pork.

If someone considered this a joke, it was far from funny. If someone considered this a threat against Muslims, it will be taken seriously by law enforcement. There probably aren't any more than 40 Muslim families living in this area. It should go without saying - but it looks as though it will have to be spelled out - that they have exactly the same constitutional rights as other Americans and those living in the United States. That includes the right to worship in peace without hatemongers making disgusting and possibly threatening gestures against them and the way in which they choose to worship.

Nearly every faith in the world has a version of the Golden Rule - treat others as you would like to be treeated, if you were they. If we all followed that guiding moral principle, especially in regard to others' religions, there would be far fewer problems for law enforcement to resolve.


South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 4/10/07,0,2885159.story

White powder found at an Islamic school early Tuesday may have been the work of vandals, a Broward Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said.

At about 8 a.m., callers reported a powdery white substance at Nur Ul Islam Academy, 10600 SW 59th St., BSO spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright said.

The callers told authorities "they saw white powder everywhere," she said.

Sheriff's Hazardous Materials units were at the school and quickly determined the powder was non-hazardous.

The Nur Ul Islam campus contains the school, library, mosque and other buildings, according to its Web site.



We invite all working Muslim women to join us to voice your concerns, discuss issues in the media, and improve and strengthen our community.

WHEN: Sunday, April 22, 2007, Noon - 2 p.m.
WHERE: Abu-Bakar Islamic Centeer, 2824 13th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN

Please RSVP to CAIR-MN, Tel: 651-645-7102; Efdal, Tel: 612-702-0598; Humaira, Tel: 612-578-4878

Refreshments will be served.

CONTACT: Tel: 651-645-7102



(SAN DIEGO, CA, 4/11/07) - On Tuesday April 10, a representative of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-San Diego) joined other people of faith, community residents and union workers to urge the President and Congress to pass Real Humane Comprehensive Immigration reform.

The event was part of a National Day of Action, during which 31 other cities across the country joined the call for a stop to the political chess playing in Washington, D.C. and for real solutions to a failed immigration system.

Last year more than 100,000 San Diegans marched from Balboa Park to downtown San Diego in coordination with millions of others in cities across the country against the criminalization of immigrants.

Edgar Hopida, Public Relations Director for the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-San Diego), was among the faith-based organization leaders invited to participate. Other organizations who endorsed this press conference included ACORN San Diego, Justice Overcoming Boundaries in San Diego County (JOB), and the Latino Policy Institute.

CONTACT: Edgar Hopida, CAIR-San Diego Public Relations Director, Tel: 619-913-0719, Email:



(COLUMBUS, OH, 4/11/07) - The Columbus chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Ohio (CAIR-OH) recently hosted a town hall meeting with the American Muslim Taskforce (AMT).

Representatives from the American Muslim Alliance (AMA), Council on American-Islamic-Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA) met with central Ohio's Muslim community at Sunrise Academy, central Ohio's full-time Islamic School.

The AMT was seeking constituent input in order to prepare a political strategy for the Muslim community in the United States leading up to the 2008 elections. Many issues including situation analysis of the current Muslim community, collective goals of the community, devising a strategy for the 2008 elections, and formulating an action plan were debated.

"This forum empowered central Ohio's Muslim community to discuss the issues that directly affect them," said CAIR-Columbus Executive Director Adnan Mirza. "It allows us to determine our own political identity and provides us the chance to show our elected officials that American-Muslims are an effective and viable voting bloc and that our issues need to be addressed."

CAIR, America's largest Muslim civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. The CAIR-Ohio Chapter has three offices - Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

CONTACT: Adnan Mirza, Tel: 614-451-3232, Email:; Ahmad Al-Akhras, Tel: 614-989-5916, Email:



(SOUTHFIELD, MI, 4/11/07) - The Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) Dawud Walid met today with Ms. Emine Kaya, Detached National Expert on Citizenship and Fundamental Rights for the European Commission, and a fellow at the Eisenhower Fellowship Organization.

Walid and Kaya discussed aspects of the diverse demographics within the American-Muslim community, and some of the social challenges American-Muslims face in post-9/11 America.

CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

CONTACT: CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid at or 248-842-1418.


Alia Ahmadi should have had her green card four years ago, but a lagging federal bureaucracy put her freedom on the back burner.
Becca MacLaren, East Bay Express, 4/11/07

Alia Ahmadi had every reason to believe she'd be granted United States citizenship. The 73-year-old Afghan woman, who emigrated here to be with her children in Fremont, passed her naturalization interview in 2003 and was told to expect her oath notice within a month. Four years later, she is still waiting. The reason? The FBI is running a name check.

"If I'm somebody to worry about, why wait four years?" says Ahmadi, who struggles with anxiety and depression as a result of her long wait. "I feel very heartbroken. I didn't want to be a stranger here."

Ahmadi is not alone in feeling the burn of stricter background checks enforced after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Three lawsuits are pending across the country over delays like hers, including a class-action suit filed in San Francisco last month by the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project, the ACLU of Northern California, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and the Asian Law Caucus.

That lawsuit calls for time limits on the citizenship process, as well as a resolution for eight Bay Area residents, including Ahmadi. While each of the plaintiffs passed their exams more than two years ago, Ahmadi's situation is particularly striking. "She's basically a housebound grandmother," notes Cecilia D. Wang, senior staff attorney with the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project. "There's no conceivable reason for her case to be caught up in an FBI name check."

Applications for naturalization - no matter whose - cannot be processed without clearance from the FBI, according to US Citizenship and Immigration Services. For its part, the FBI says the long delays have to do with the number of name checks that have been required since the 2001 attacks. But both agencies declined to comment on how a name check could possibly take up to four years to complete.

This is a story Ahmadi has heard many times over. "Every time we call, they say, 'You have to wait,'" says her son, 46-year-old Basheer Ahmadi. Along with dozens of phone calls to the immigration agency, the family has made three trips to its offices in San Francisco. "We never even got a letter that said her case is in progress," Basheer says. (MORE)


Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant, 4/11/07,0,4127916.column?coll=hc-utility-features-life

In February, somebody went into the locked office of Bilal Ansari at Niantic's J.B. Gates Correctional Institution and defaced a picture of him by whiting out his face and writing a racial epithet on it.

Ansari is an African American and a Muslim chaplain.

In March, a co-worker reported to prison authorities the presence of an audio file on Ansari's office computer titled "Jihad or Terrorism." People who have listened to the file - including non-Muslims - say it is a scholarly examination of the vast difference between the two words, but Ansari's computer was confiscated and his office closed off with yellow tape.

Oddly, no one thought to break out the yellow tape when the earlier hate crime - the defacing of Ansari's photo - was reported, though the department is investigating the incident, and they've referred it to the state police, as well.

Ansari, who has filed a complaint with the state Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, says such incidents are only a sampling of what happens to Muslims in the prison system. Other Muslim chaplains - who won't go on the record for fear of tthe retaliation that appears to have dogged Ansari - say they have been intimidated, stretched too thin to handle important Jumu'ah prayers on Fridays, and forced to worship under circumstances that don't respect the needs of their faith. They say the department needs female Muslim chaplains - there are none - and that Muslim employees and inmates have been verbally harassed.

Ansari says he has been written up for incidents that were blown out of proportion. Recently, he received a performance review of unsatisfactory, which he disputes.

"This is still America," said his attorney, Cynthia R. Jennings of New Haven. "We still have First Amendment rights. The question becomes: When is it going to stop?"

While state Department of Correction officials won't comment on a pending case, Brian Garnett, the department's external affairs director, called the photo defacement "vile" and "bigoted" and said the department, one of the state's most racially diverse, would dismiss anyone found guilty of discrimination. (MORE)


Washington Daybook

The Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation holds a news conference and rally in support of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, who is "being held indefinitely beyond the date agreed upon in his plea agreement for refusing to testify before a grand jury."

TIME: April 13, 2007, 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Outside of the Justice Department, Ninth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.

CONTACT: 703-998-6525


Doctrines Share Ideal of Equality, Georgetown Students Told
Pamela Constable, Washington Post, 4/11/07

Tariq Ramadan has a huge following in Europe but a controversial profile in the United States. The Islamic scholar has been barred from entering the country since 2004, when he was denied a visa he needed to accept a professorship at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

Yesterday, however, students at Georgetown University heard and questioned the influential Egyptian-born writer as he gave the first of three public lectures to be delivered on the campus by satellite video hookup from London. For 90 minutes, he appeared on a large screen in Gaston Hall, seated and wearing a sports jacket and open shirt, with Big Ben in the background.

"Why Tariq Ramadan cannot be with us physically today, we are still not sure. But if we are serious about dialogue between Islam and the West, we need to listen to Islam's most important voices," said Thomas Banchoff, director of Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, which is sponsoring the lectures.

Ramadan, a Swiss citizen, is an outspoken but contradictory figure in Islamic scholarship. His grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most influential Islamic groups of the past century. He is popular in Europe but has been banned from entering France and accused of supporting the militant Palestinian group Hamas.

In 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security revoked his work visa under the Patriot Act, saying he had "used a position of prominence . . . to endorse or espouse terrorist activity."

Ramadan's central message yesterday was that Islam and democracy are not incompatible in their tenets of equality and freedom for all and that tensions between them have arisen because of historic problems -- such as European colonialism, political manipulation by Middle Eastern autocrats and the influence of minority Islamic groups he described as "literalists."

"There is no contradiction between Islamic teachings and democratic principles. The problem is not the concept; it's the terminology," said Ramadan, 42, a fellow at St. Antony's College at Oxford University. The issue is not the relationship between church and state, he said, but "the relationship between dogma and rationality."

Ramadan listed five "indisputable" principles of Islam that are also fundamentals of democracy: the rule of law, equal rights for all citizens, universal suffrage, accountability of government and separation of powers. (MORE)


Ryan Leckey, 16 WNEP, 4/11/07

Flames ripped through an Islamic center in Schuylkill County Wednesday morning and now members of that place of worship plan to come together to see how they can repair the damage.

Flames sparked at the Islamic Society of Schuylkill County in Mechanicsville around 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. It's located just outside of Pottsville.

From the outside, there is not much damage visible, but inside the damage on the walls tells the tale of what happened here.

"The cafeteria has all been burned, lots of damage in that area. The entire building has smoke damage and water damage," said Islamic society priest Shiraz Mansoor.

The Islamic society has been in the borough of Mechanicsville for around 20 years.

Firefighters managed to save the second floor from flames where worship takes place, however it still has heavy smoke and water damage.

"We'll just have to get over it and work together in getting the place good again," added Shiraz Monsoor.

The cause of the fire at the Islamic Society of Schuylkill County remains under investigation.


Actors Face a Dilemma
Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal, 4/11/07

Jamie Harding, a British Muslim, feared his first Hollywood feature film would be his last. He played Ahmed al-Nami, one of four Sept. 11 hijackers in "United 93," a 2006 docudrama about the passenger revolt aboard the doomed airliner.

"A lot of people were saying, 'Why would you ever want to play one of the four most hated people in the world?', and to some extent, you wonder if that's going to be a career breaker," says the 27-year-old, whose mother is Sudanese and father is British. Until "United 93," he had acted mainly in theater and some small television parts.

But his risk succeeded, and soon he will be on U.S. screens again, when the European film "O Jerusalem," comes to American theaters next month. This time he plays the brother of the Arab protagonist in a story about the friendship between two men, one Jewish and the other Arab, as the state of Israel is being created.

Roles for Middle Easterners in movies and TV shows have multiplied since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, bringing a jump in demand for actors who can play them. The catch: They are most often the bad guys. That is a dilemma for actors worried about being stereotyped or perpetuating a negative image of Middle Easterners. At the same time, it appears an initial wave of "us-versus-them" narratives is gradually being joined by more nuanced themes. (MORE)


Some Muslims object to interest payments on religious grounds
Elizabeth Kelleher, USINFO, 4/9/07

In the coming year, a bank subsidiary in Michigan will expand its reach by offering products targeted to Muslims in three metropolitan areas outside of that state.

The University Islamic Financial Corporation, a subsidiary of University Bank, a community bank in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will reach Muslims in the Washington metropolitan area via a suburban office in Herndon, Virginia. It plans to open in two more locations, as yet undisclosed, shortly thereafter.

The bank subsidiary's president, Stephen Lange Ranzini, estimates that Michigan is home to approximately 400,000 Muslims, "the largest community of Arab Muslims outside of the Middle East."

Locations of these new branches have been chosen for their proximity to large Muslim populations. The bank subsidiary seeks to serve a customer niche that does not want to buy a home using traditional home loans, which involve paying interest, popular in the United States. Such customers interpret Islamic law, or Shariah, as forbidding the paying or charging of interest.

Since the end of 2005, the Michigan bank subsidiary has offered its alternative home-financing products only to Michigan residents. But Ranzini said it has built products that will be compliant with the laws of other states. (MORE)


Council on American-Islamic Relations
453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Tel: 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726
Fax: 202-488-0833


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