Suzanne's Genealogy Page
There are two main sections of information on this page. The first concerns my early modern and medieval ancestry, mostly Scottish. At this stage it is mostly line charts, but there are also some pages giving more detail on particular families.
My other main web site project is assembling transcriptions of monumental inscriptions (gravestones) in Canterbury, New Zealand, for my family surnames. I now have several surname pages completed.
Search whole site:
My Ancestry
At the moment these pages are limited to families from medieval and early modern times, mostly from Scotland. There are both family histories and pedigree charts.
Scottish family histories
- The family of GRAHAM of Kincardine, Dundaff, and Old Montrose, 12th16th century Scotland
Scottish royal family
Pedigree charts, Scotland / Europe
These charts are all linked, leading back from Dorothy Cuninghame. They show the ancestors of the individual named in a compact ancestral chart:
- Dorothy CUNINGHAME, born by 1569 in Scotland; married James DOG of Dunrobin. [~48K]
- James DOUGLAS, 1st Lord of Dalkeith, died in 1411; married Lady Elizabeth STEWART.
- Lady Elizabeth STEWART, Princess of Scotland, died by 1411; married James DOUGLAS, 1st Lord of Dalkeith. [~18K]
- Eleanor de LOVAINE, married William de FERRERS and William 'le Hardi', Lord of Douglas. [~20K]
- Eleanor BRUCE, Countess of Carrick, died on 22 June 1368; married Sir William de CUNYNGHAME. [~41K]
- Richard FITZROY de Dover, Lord of Chilham, died about 1252; married Rohese de DOVER. [~58K]
- Online and published sources for these ancestor charts.
Monumental inscriptions, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Index page of main surname pages and key to the tables
- Strays from other families buried with people in the surname lists (there is also a short list of surnames on the index page).
Other cemetery links

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© 1998-2001
Created: 21 July 1998
Last modified: 6 July 2001