For information and Trudi Richards or tel: 415-586-2217 fax: 415-239-2737 e-mail: information about our |
SCHOOL OF NONVIOLENCE San Francisco, California The School of Nonviolence is a volunteer community service project for fostering nonviolence and nondiscrimination in our personal lives, homes, schools and communities. We believe that human beings are nonviolent when they are happy and free. We also believe that every human being has a Vital Project, a special role in our collective human Destiny, and that happiness and freedom come only through the fulfillment of this unique Vital Project. We are not, of course, talking about the "happiness" of simply being entertained, or the "freedom" of being able to choose among entertainments or consumer products. Our work is based on true happiness and freedom -
Every individual will recognize these qualities in their Vital Project. We believe that it is the coordinated work of many individuals toward their Vital Project which enables us to guide human evolution in a positive, nonviolent direction. Copyright © 1998 School of Non-Violence |