Racial Epithet???

Racial Epithet???

What do you see
when you see the "N WORD" in the newspaper
in the morning over coffee?
Do you see a thug
in big Boss pants
and a skullie
lurkin round your lily white daughter?
What do you think of?
Do you think of an "Ignorant Person"?
Or do you think of
a big monkey lipped
wide-nosed jigaboo come to steal your stuff?
When it's late at night and you're on your way
to your plush lil car
in the company lot...
do you think of niggers then?
Or when your wife clutches her purse
just a little bit tighter...
do you think of niggers then?
Do you think of good ol days
When good ol boys
could string `em up by the dozen
take home an ear or two as a souvenier?
Do you think of niggers swingin' in the breeze
from branches of your trees
What DO you think of when you think of niggers?
Bet you don't think of me.