My knowledge is lethal like phlebitis be all up in your head like sinusitis might even drop you like meningitis you'll need a spinal tap after hearin me rap wax on wax off my message is dope but you might scoff at my delivery my lyrical tom foolery as i adorn you with historical jewelry like the necklace from Titanic these chains are gigantic but we call them shackles hear my maniacal cackle as i raise the dead and resurrect the past James Byrd was not the last In my crystal ball i see more lynchings no it's not a dream you cannot stop this with your pinchings merely inching closer to the beam but hear the screams of those who's blood has been spilled carry the memory of those who were killed for our freedom so how come we dumb and let it become like human rights is the white man's burden you know you urban! are we fulfilling our destiny surely you're jesting me now I'm testing thee are you too blind to see what they do to we us must fight back reclaim black i mean black like amiri baraka like jomo kenyatta not these nigga please like ice t and jay z what they say to me hoes and tricks tricks and bitches words like that used to warrant switches but now it's common place to be a spade and not an ace why we can't be on TV without hiding our face and one more thing that i can't figure why we be callin us niggas it's a word that's bigger than you or me it encompasses an entire history we should rinse out with listerine words like that have me blistering and blustering it's courage we must be mustering to fight the good fight do what's right reclaim our blackness take back the night ignite a fire that lights the way to a better brighter brand new day.