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Brendan - 04/25/99 14:06:07
This site is fast becoming a white elephant. Is anyone still out there? This is one of the rare occasions when I've actually got time during my call and am able to surf the net. God bless whoever stumbles across this message. ;) 25/4/1999, 10:05pm
Brendan - 12/18/98 18:25:37
Don't know how many of you actually read this page regularly. Anyway, thanks Chris and Suzette for calling me now and then at work. It's great to speak to someone outside for a while. I stress "a while" because usually it takes all but 10 seconds before t e pager goes off again. Please keep BC and all the participants in your prayers as I shall endeavor to do myself. Anyone catch tonight's (18/12/98) show?
Brendan - 11/14/98 08:17:54
Dear everyone, I've finally got around to making some semblance of an update for this website. Sorry if anyone's been checking and wondering why everything was static for so long. After getting back from my vacation, I plunged straight into work (I haven' even finished unpacking my bags yet). Even weekends have disappeared before me. Finally some reprieve this Saturday. But I'm on call again tomorrow. Oh well. Hope to hear from you all through email. Agape, Brendan
10/25/98 21:20:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments:
Just surfing Thanks
Brendan Boey - 10/08/98 17:55:34
Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland!!!
Cindy - 09/24/98 10:39:24
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy
Brendan - 09/23/98 17:17:53
***Newsflash*** I passed my final exams! I thank and praise God for the strength and courage that He has given me to see me through this trying time. Thank you to my small group for remembering me in your prayers.
Gaius Ho - 09/18/98 15:40:30
My URL:http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~gaiser
My Email:gaiser@pacific.net.sgComments:
Greetings Mustard Seeds! Hi JiYin, hi Brendan... Just came by to see what's up at your website. Keep up the good works! And keep the mustard seeds multiplying! God Bless everyone...
Jiyin - 08/04/98 15:23:55
My Email:jiyin@letterbox.comComments:
hi everybody!! i'm back and very excited about doing the next study in the Alpha Course. hope you'all have been good in my absence!!:) the small group sunday newsletter is to be published soon and all contributions are to be in by 11 Aug98. So hope that y u'll send us some mail with your contribution soon!! see ya thursday
Ong Boon Tien Benny - 07/15/98 15:28:22
My Email:yvyeo@pacific.net.sgComments:
Nice works, guys and gals. Indeed it's a very impressive and wonderful site to visit. Do continue with this site to share the blessing and love of our LORD, Jesus Christ.
- 07/14/98 13:16:39
ERRATA: Woops, just realised that the Philip Yancey book I mentioned in my last comment is actually titled The Jesus I Never Knew. Sorry hor, THE CAPTAIN. ps Just to add a request for those of us leading worship during Alpha, shall we all try and pick songs that match the topic under discussion that week? It takes a little more effort, but I believe that it adds an extra dimension - and perhaps theology - t the study. Whatcha say, folks?
C.A.Celery - 07/13/98 13:31:13
My Email:capveg@letterbox.comComments:
Hey everyone, just to add to Jiyin's last comment, let's all use the opportunity that the Alpha course is giving us to take a good hard look at what and Who we believe in. Le's think deeply about our own faith, to question assumptions we perhaps didn't kn w we had, to look at God with fresh eyes. Let's ask ourselves, if I didn't know who Christ was at all, how would I react to what he offers? I've been reading the book The Christ I Never Knew by Philip Yancey (which I really recommend, it's excellent) and ave been struck by how in-your-face the Gospel really is. The life of Christ is a vivid, sometimes shocking, un-ignorable story, so let's all make the most of this chance to explore it all over again! Cheers folks! The Captain.
Jiyin - 07/12/98 15:25:03
My Email:jiyin@letterbox.comComments:
hi everyone the 1st lesson of the Alpha Course was easy to prepare for but the hard part is asking "WHY?". We should be prepared to challenge our own faith and ask why we believe the things we do. The bottom line is of course "faith" but there are lots of stuff we ca say before we reach the bottom line. Let's be more prepared for difficult questions that can be put forth by unbelievers. enjoy the next lesson on "Why did Jesus die?"
Brendan - 07/03/98 13:03:34
Ok, that last message came out of nowhere. I've checked out her site, nothing to do with sex or anything...just her domain name...and her use of Dynamic HTML. The link to the Beanie Babies is great if you like bean bag stuffed animals ("Chocolate Moose is there"!!). But she's not too discerning about who she links to her page...so I wouldn't go there.
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 22:54:03
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.comComments:
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Visitor number 40 since 14 June 1998 - 06/25/98 01:30:33
Hey Bren, fabby pictures of the wedding of the year!!!!! Especially Suzette and her dad. And for any lovely ladies who may happen to read this message - the cute guy with the goatee who appears in some of the wedding photos is still single.
Brendan - 06/02/98 16:30:35
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/savannah/18
Dear everyone, Raymond's back from his elective. And Chris hope you feel better fast!
the captain of your lard - 05/16/98 03:37:14
What can I say!!!!!!!!! Ver, very, VERY cool new look. Three cheers for the IT moose!! Hip hip, hoo!
Jiyin - 05/05/98 12:18:41
My Email:jiyin@letterbox.comComments:
Hi Seeds
Are you all ready to go on the Discovery Tour on 11th May? think of the wonderful fresh air all of you can enjoy!! How often anyway do you get up early to meet your frens for some breakfast and a nice walk while the dew is just vaporating off the leaves on the trees? WOW! it'll be fun! SO come on and join us at 7am at Wesley Church for the Discovery Tour!!
Be there or be an oinkus! Love Jiyin
Kelvin Koh - 04/20/98 04:42:30
My Email:med30120@nus.edu.sgComments:
I am impressed and encouraged by your effort in setting up the webpage. Keep up the great work and may the Lord continue to bless you in your gifts.
- 04/10/98 15:49:31
Gan Yung Chyan - 04/09/98 14:37:04
My URL:http://www.post1.com/~kucintasetia
My Email:kucintasetia@post1.comComments:
I am sorry for some earlier mistakes. If you can't reach the schedule's homepage, try this: http://www.post1.com/~kucintasetia/el-shaddai.htm . Bye!
Gan Yung Chyan - 04/09/98 14:33:54
My URL:http://www.post1.com/~kucintasetia
My Email:kucintasetia@post1.comComments:
Dear Bros/ Sis, I read your advertisement through your entry in Studio Elpizo's Guetbook. By the way, I am a volunteer helping to promote FM105.5. You can read the radio station's latest daily schedule which i have faithfully recorded when I was free. The schedule is found on this homepage add.: http://post1.com/~kucintasetia/el-shaddai.htm . Gan Yung Chyan Reporter/Editor EL-SHADDAI--- the only Protestant newspaper in Singapore 9 Apr 98
bindy - 04/05/98 02:48:37
Brendan - 03/30/98 04:44:58
Whew! Exams are finally over. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. Jiyin & I won't be coming this Thursday (2 April 1998) because we'll be in Phuket sipping a cool drink by the pool! We'll be back on Tuesday - Hari Raya Haji. See ya'll next week.
Brendan - 03/02/98 04:56:00
Jiyin and I took a walk around Fort Canning Park on Sunday, after the 5pm service. I didn't realise what a lovely place it was. There aren't many people there in the evening and the softer light and cooler weather are just great. Plus, I've always liked h lls and other places with elevation and a good view. Something that's really lacking here in flat Singapore. Anyone going for the Wesley Family Picnic on Saturday 14 March? Got balloooooons & ice-cream!! See you all this Thursday.
Suzette & Chris - 03/01/98 13:35:53
My Email:zette@pacific.net.sgComments:
Good job, folks! Keep it Up! Have a good week & God bless!
The Penguin - 02/25/98 15:07:37
Feature coming soon, keep your bowtie on!
captain vegetable - 02/25/98 15:05:46
My Email:capveg@letterbox.comComments:
Waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Great work Brendan! Laura-thanks so much for the choccies!! How did you know I walk on the dark side? Eating crunchy vegetables is good for you, everyone - Daniel 1:11-15 !
jiyin - 02/20/98 17:30:16
My Email:jiyin@letterbox.comComments:
thank you all for praying for me so that i can recover more quickly from the food poisoning. 7 of us in the office were indeed "poisoned" by our boss' well meaning client who didnt prepare their food properly. not many people were at work on thurs and fri this week. my boss was most kind. he told me to go home after lunch on fri so i stayed home and relaxed. i enjoyed being at home tremendously and i praise God for it!! i would also like to comment on how lost some of us may have felt during the last study i think it will really help if we came prepared by reading up the required readings before hand. of course, there are those who read and are still blur. do not give up for the Lord will teach and the Lord will provide. the object of last week's study was to have an overview of the whole book of Daniel. i believe that as we study the more difficult passages in greater detail with help from the guidebook, we shall learn something from it that God wishes to teach us. so dont be discouraged. instead strive on to greater heights for we cannot drink milk forever. we must take some meat. i love the way the thing flashes from seeds to trees..that's really a good job Bren! and the music changes too ! wow!! God bless all of you this week.
jiyin - 02/20/98 17:14:31
My Email:jiyin@letterbox.comComments:
wow!! i think this is a great page!!! whoever thot of this is a person with imagination, dilligence and great foresight!! i love the music!! it is so COOOOLLL!!
Brendan - 02/16/98 07:59:00
Have a good week everyone! Hi Rob.