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Seagate Technology International
Science Park R&D Center
Tel: (65)64177876

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Educational Qualifications

From To Universities Degree
Feb. 1998 Nov. 2000 Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore PhD, EEE
Sept. 1992 June 1995 Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R.China Master, EEE
Sept. 1988 July 1992 Xi'an Jiaotong University,P.R.China Bachelor, EEE

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Selected Publications

Journal/Conference Papers in English

1. Z. G. Li, C. Y. Wen, Y. C. Soh, and W. X. Xie
"Generalized Matrix Measure of Switched Nonlinear Systems," IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control, Vol 47, No. 1, pp. 178-183, January 2002.
2. Z. G. Li, C. Y. Wen, Y. C. Soh, and W. X. Xie
"The Stabilization and Synchronization of Chua?s Oscillators via Impulsive Control," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems?I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 48, NO. 11, November 2001.
3. Wenxiang Xie, Changyun Wen and Zhengguo Li
"Input-to-State Stabilization of a Class of Switched Nonlinear Systems," IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control, Vol 46, No. 7, pp. 1111-1116, July 2001.
4. Wenxiang Xie, Changyun Wen and Zhengguo Li
"Impulsive Control for the Stabilization and Synchronization of Lorenz Systems," Physics Letters A, Vol 275, pp. 67-72, October 2000.
5. Xie Wenxiang, Wen Changyun and Li Zhengguo
"Controller Design for the Integral-Input-to-State Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems: A Cycle Analysis Method," The 39th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, pp 3628-3633, December 2000, Sydney.
6. Li Zhengguo, Xie Wenxiang, Wen Changyun and Soh Yengchai
"Globally Exponential Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Arbitrary Switching," The 39th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, pp 3610-3615, December 2000, Sydney.
7. Z. G. Li, C. Y. Wen, Y. C. Soh, and W. X. Xie
"Robust Stability of Switched Systems with Arbitrarily Fast Switchings by Generalized Matrix Measure," The Proceedings of American Control Conference, pp 2679-2682, June 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
8. Xie Wenxiang, Wen Changyun and Li Zhengguo
"Stabilization of a Class of Block-triangulable Switched Linear Systems Having Unstabilizable Subsystems," The 6th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, (no page number printed in CD-ROM) December 2000, Singapore.
9. Xie Wenxiang, Li Zhengguo and Wen Changyun
"Integral-Input-to-State Stabilization of a Class of Switched Nonlinear Systems," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace, Vol 2, pp 707-714, May 2000, Florida.
10. Xie Wenxiang, Wen Changyun and Li Zhengguo
"Integral-Input-to-State Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with a Cyclic Switching Policy," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace, Vol 2, pp 715-722, May 2000, Florida.
11. Huo Hong, Xie Wenxiang, Tan Woeiwan and Wen Changyun
"Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems for Any Switching Law," The Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Control Conference, pp. 1602-1607, July 2000, Shanghai.

Journal/Conference Papers in Chinese

1. Ba Gang, Xie Wenxiang
"Research on Optimal GTR Drive Circuit," Electrical Drive Automation, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 34-39, April 1993.
2. Xie Wenxiang
"Influence of PLC's Period Scan Principle on Programming," Electrical Drive, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 43-44,49, March 1994.
3. Xie Wenxiang
"The Communication Between Personal Computer and Programmable Controller," Microcomputer and Applications, No. 5, pp. 30-32, May 1995.
4. Xie Wenxiang, Ge Wenyun
"Microcomputer Control of Several Electrical-hoists Running in a Circular Track," Electrical Drive, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 40-44, May 1995.
5. Xie Wenxiang, Zheng Ming, Liu Xiaohui, Wu Daoti
"Computer-aided Test for Pressure, Temperature, Speed of Air-compressor," Journal of Test and Measurement Technique, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 346-351, March 1996.
6. Xie Wenxiang, Liu Tianmu, Xue Junyi
"Microcomputer Control of Postal Package's Conveyance and Storage," International Electronics and Machinery, No. 1, pp. 39-42, January 1997.
7. Xie Wenxiang, Xue Junyi
"Methods of Realizing Sequential Control," Electrical Drive Automation, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 56-58, April 1997.
8. Xie Wenxiang, Xue Junyi
"Analytic Method on Logic Link Control Protocol of LAN Based on Petri Nets," Journal of Northwestern University, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 62-67, June 1997.
9. Xie Wenxiang, Xue Junyi
"Calculation of Availability of Repairable Control Systems Based on Stochastic Petri Nets," Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 83-88, November 1997.
10. Xie Wenxiang, Xue Junyi
"Stochastic Petri Nets Applied to Reliability of Control Systems with Exponential Distribution" Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.11-15, February 1999.
11. Xie Wenxiang, Wu Daoti
"Application of Siemens PLC S5-100U in Lifting Device of Car-body Repair Line," The Proceedings of China Computer Control Technology Conference on Computer Control Technology and Application, Vol. 1, pp. 19-23, March 1996.
12. Xie Wenxiang, Rao Zhonghai, Xue Junyi
"Application of Neural Network-Based Parameter Evaluation to Fault Detection of Linear Control Systems," The Proceedings of China Control and Decision Conference on Control and Decision, Vol. 3, pp. 1200-1206, June 1997.


Ten pending USA patent applications and some already filed.
"To keep thinking out of box is a kind of endless effort we have to put in our life."
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Li Yan
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Zhu Xing
Dong Xuedong
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Sheng Weihua
Lin Chong
Xie Shoulie
Yang Xiaohua
Liang Yuning
Qui Bin


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1. IEEE Member from 1999 to 2006.
2. IEEE Senior Member since 2006.
3. Committee Member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Singapore Chapter since 2002.
4. Secretary of Organising Committee of The 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'2006) 24-26 May 2006, Singapore.
5. International Technical Programme Committee Member of The 4th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'06) 16-18 August 2006, Singapore.
6. Secretary of Organising Committee of The 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'2007) 23-25 May 2007, Harbin, China.
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Last Updated: January 2006