
Thursday, August 16, 1962 the State Missionary Baptist Association met in the American Legion Hall in Willow Springs, Missouri for the purpose of organizing a New Testament Church.

There were 12 members of the Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church present to become charter members of the Church adopting the name Pleasant View.

On Saturday, August 19, 1995, the church was re-dedicated and re-named Adonai Missionary Baptist Church. The name Adonai comes from the plural form of the Hebrew word meaning "Lord", Adonai-Jehovah. "Lord God" (Revelation 4:8), is the only one worthy to receive the glory and honor and power.

Here at Adonai our goal is to evangelize the lost and then to edify the saved. By bringing souls to Christ and then teaching those saved to do God's will and uphold His Holy Name.

Former pastors of Adonai Missionary Baptist Church.

E.C. Endicott
Wayne Gibson
Ron Fields
Walter Southwick
Roland Warren
Walter Banning
David Crites
Horace McCoy
Karl McNew
Angel Casarez
Dale Jackson
Roger Fears
Don Finley (present pastor)
