V. Allegranza's Free Web Sitehosted by YAHOO! GeoCities
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Valerio Allegranza

General and Computational Linguistics




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Welcome to Valerio Allegranza’s Home Page. This is a personal Web site providing information on scientific activities I carried out in the field of linguistics. (Its URL is meant to remain stable over the years, even if I change jobs, institutions, e-mail addresses, etc.)

I’m a freelance professional who partecipated in several European projects dealing with natural language analysis, processing and translation. My academic qualifications are the following: I obtained a degree in Humanities from the University of Torino (Italy), where I also taught official courses of General Linguistics, and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany). For more information on everything, see the enclosed Curriculum Vitae.

My scientific interests range over various aspects of General and Computational Linguistics, like generativism, unification/constraint-based grammars (especially HPSG), logical and cognitive semantics, machine translation, etc., and I published a number of contributions on related research topics. This site includes the list of references, plus brief abstracts for selected publications.

Here you will also find full papers in electronic form (PDF or PostScript), to be freely downloaded. They can be my final drafts of some articles, or supplementary documents related to other publications of mine (such as a recent book). A couple of samples are already available on line, I hope you will enjoy them!




  N.B. Both addresses below are aliases for the present site:


Ø      http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/3782/    

original address in the ‘Athens Academy’ area of GeoCities

Ø      http://www.geocities.com/v_allegranza/    

personalized address (please mind the underscore!)



Copyright © Valerio Allegranza (except where otherwise stated)
Last modified: November 2008