World Culture and Sports Festival
World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF) brings together present and former heads of state, senators, congressmen, The central motto of WCSF can be summed up as: "For there to be a peaceful family of nations there must first be nations of peaceful families." This statement was made at the second WCSF, by its founders, Drs. Rev. and Mrs Sun Myung Moon.
World leaders: political, religious, academic, civic and others, gathered
in Seoul, South Korea, this past July, for the World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF) and the 400 Million Couples Blessing: Sixth Phase. At the heart of this great vision to advance the Kingdom of God on earth is the spirit of true marriage, family, inter-religious harmony, and world peace. The Festival is an annual event, founded by Rev. and Mrs. Moon, to harvest the best of each culture throughout the world, for the sake of accomplishing God�s ideal on earth.
Seoul and Cheonan, Korea, the venues of the events of July 23-27, saw dignitaries from 120 nations, and above all; tens of thousands of excited parents, relatives, friends and guests of the elated bridegrooms and brides. The officiators, Rev. and Mrs. Moon, pronounced before the couples, the four vows that should guide their eternal union, in brief: 1. Absolute fidelity in becoming a true husband and wife. 2. Bequeating heavenly tradition to their descendants. 3. Becoming true parents before God. 4. Pledge to help create the Kingdom of God on Earth. The International Blessing Ceremony, a mainstay of the mission of Rev. and Mrs. Moon (the True Parents), is seen by them as the central heavenly modus operandi for bring true unity and peace to the world. The Marriage Blessing is conducted transcending race, religion, nationality and culture, with its axes being God-centeredness and the practice of true love. Other events that marked the successful Festival were: Plenary sessions of scholars, present and former heads of state, world religious leaders, and Ambassadors of peace. Participants of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), representing the 120 nations, gathered to laud and encourage the positive contribution of stable families in all religions and cultures in the quest for lasting peace. The student body: WorldCARP (Collegiate Association for Research of Principles) provided sport competitions among students representing their particular religious affiliation. The sports dubbed as �International Peace Sports,� took on an Olympic-like flavor with Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Confucianists competing in a spirit of goodwill. Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman of the Festival, in his Plenary Keynote address, said that, �Rev. Moon wanted to expand this ideal (the Olympics) � first, to establish God as the center point. Second, to recognize that global peace has its foundation in the family, and third; to create a symposium for leaders of all fields to collaborate in seeking constructive solutions to critical global problems.� * More details will be reported on this page soon.
World Culture and Sport Festival IV, 2000 (WSCF IV), Seoul, Korea, at Chamsil StadiumSome highlights of the conferences of WCSF III, held in Washington D.C., November 23-29, 1997:
The Federation for World Peace The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) The FFWPU program of marriage and rededication of marriage (the International Holy Blessing) of over 40 million couples worldwide, was the main event of World Culture and Sports Festival III. Couples from 185 nations participated, they dedicated themselves to God, true love, fidelity, true parenthood, and world peace. The marriage ceremony was officiated by Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, who are also co-founders of the FFWPU. Leaders of eight major world religions bestowed their blessings on the couples. The ideal of the International Holy Blessing is to lay the foundation for true world peace through creating true families. The Women's Federation for World Peace Theme: Women of the New Millennium: Loving and Serving the World. Chaired by Mrs. Maureen Reagan (daughter of former president Ronald Reagan). Participants from 103 nations attended. The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) Theme: Science for the Benefit of Humanity. Chaired by Tor Ragnar Gerholm, member of the Nobel Prize Foundation. Representatives from 121 nations were present at the opening plenary. Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP) Theme: Youth for the True Family, Nation and World. Participants from 140 nations gathered. The conference was addressed by Dr. Stoyan Ganev, former president of the United Nations General Assembly. Its keynote speaker was Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the UN and current Chancellor of the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)
Theme: Identity and Character: The Influence of Family and Society on Personality Development. Inter-religious Federation for World Peace The theme: Founders and Shakers of the World's Religions. World CARP/Pure Love Alliance In a united effort, both organizations conducted a rally and march in Washington D.C., for pure love lifestyle, abstinence before marriage, and fidelity in marriage. Approximately 10,000 young people from around the world participated. A benefit concert was held on November 28th, in support of local charities. World CARP was resposible for organizing the international sportfest for the event. World Media Association Topic: "Globalization and the Media: Looking Toward the 21st Century" This was the XIV World Media conference. Approximately 1,000 participants from around the world convened. The founder, Rev. Moon, explained to the paticipants that humankind is at a critical point. He said, "We must prepare for the new millennium in which we can live on the earth as brothers and sisters under one God, based on the principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values." He further said that "the conclusion of the east-west ideological conflict must now bear fruits in resolving the difference in economic standards between north and south. In addition, the issues of family values must also be rectified."
Other conferences that were a part of the WSCF III, were: and the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace