Make the Pledge

The Pure Love Pledge is an excellent way to commit oneself to a lifestyle of unconditional love and purity. In a world that is highly tainted with false love and a multitude of unsavory sexual involvements and illicit relationships, true love is impossible to find. The pure love commitment is a great starting point to create a foundation for one's self esteem, sense of dignity, integrity and fidelity in one's future marriage.


The pure relationship of love between a man and a woman is a gift from God to be cherished and honored, for the sake of building a true family, a healthy society, and a world of peace for future generations. Once that love is consummated, it should never be broken.

Therefore I commit myself to:

(1) Respect and honor the ideal of purity in myself and others.

(2) Practice pure love as a child, friend, spouse and parent

(3) Refrain from all sexual relationships before marriage.

(4) Dedicate myself to absolute fidelity within marriage.

(5) Encourage others to do likewise.


We commit ourselves:

(1) To rededicate our marriage to God and true love.

(2) To be faithful to each other, always (no divorce, no adultery and no violence).

(3) To become true parents to our children, and to educate them in sexual abstinence before marriage.

(4) To participate in "the blessing" of true love and true families in order to advance world peace and the kingdom of God.

Make the pledge and begin a new start in your life. E-mail us at:

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