Xcalibures Domain

It's been a long time since I sat here and did anything with my web page as most of you who visit this page regularly can tell. This page was a reflection and expression of personal feelings and my portal to escape reality and share my message to the world. People visit this page and never truly lock onto the real content. There is pain, anger, joy, and tears in its truest form. This is not a rap web page, a fuck the world web page, this is my gift to others. A lot in our world has changed, people are no longer safe in day to day routines and we know that now. I had decided to dump this web page and hang it up because people didn't get it, however after the events of 9/11/01 I had to come back and release my anger once again. I came to realize with time this is as much my spot to vent as it is yours, so I'm back. This site in the next few weeks will under go a heavy face lift to reflect the change I have evolved into. Things have got to change in life or whe'll all be stuck in neutral and get nowhere while revving up our engines high enough to blow a major gasket. This is in no way to say that my philosophies and beliefs have changed, I have just evolved into a stronger, confident, more informed, and more angry human being as are most of you after the events of 9/11/01. This page is dedicated to every single human being who lost their lives in the WTC attack and to the brave souls who sacrificed their lives without a second thought to help others. You people are the realist. RIP

This page put online on 11/5/97
This page last updated on 12/12/2001

12/12/2001 RIP to every person who lost their lives in the WTC attack and to all the firefighters and police officers who parished with the victims. Thank you to all the men and women in our military fighting for a bunch of people they don't know to keep us a free country and sacrificing their lives for what they believe. 12/12/2001

The site has had Counter visitors since 12/08/01

You will be missed.

Click the pic above to enter the My Memorial
and pay your respects to a lost soul.

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