Solution to Acrostic #6

C[arol] O'Connell, MALLORY'S ORACLE

The dog came when she called. He came slowly, shivering in his pelt as he walked, picking his way lightly and gracefully on slender Doberman feet. By her voice, he was pulled along through the rooms of the apartment and past the open door to the outer hallway.

A. Chalcedony
B. Ombudsmen
C. Clemente
D. Orthography
E. Nuthatches
F. Newfangled
G. Epiphanies
H. Legwork
I. Lithology
J. Mawkishly
K. Aggressive
L. Latifundia
M. Leacher
N. On the fold
O. Rhapsody
P. Yttrium
Q. Swallowable
R. Openhanded
S. Rehashed
T. Altogether
U. Chloe
V. Leavenworth
W. Epithets
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