Solution to Acrostic #4

Langston Hughes, "The Big Sea"

Thurman had read so many books because he could read eleven lines at a time. He would get from the library a great pile of volumes that would have taken me a year to read. But he would go through them in less than a week...

A. Laureate
B. Abbreviated
C. Neapolitan
D. Grovel
E. Subcontinental
F. Tree
G. Outwardly
H. Notched
I. Hemmed
J. Usury
K. Glasgow
L. Humerus
M. Emulator
N. Sukkoth
O. Theme
P. Hollower
Q. Eyeshade
R. Bathed
S. If I Had A Hammer
T. Gawked
U. Sheave
V. Ethanol
W. Afoot