Solution to Acrostic #2

B[arbara] W. Tuchman, THE LAST SALUTE

In one hard moment he exclaimed that he wished his father had never become Stadtholder and added, in so many words, "I wish I were dead." This was the unhappy man who was Sovereign of the Netherlands. In this situation ... irresolute government began at the top.

A. Batty
B. Whetstone
C. Tided over
D. Underwear
E. Cisalpine
F. Ham-handed
G. Mendel
H. Antithesis
I. Nehemiah
J. Teetotal
K. High horse
L. Edward the Confessor
M. Fassbinder
N. Improvising
O. Rough-hewn
P. Shenandoah
Q. Tonometer
R. Saw into
S. Admonished
T. Laxative
U. Unwished
V. Thwarted
W. Empathy