Adi's Home Page

(pic) This is a Melon slice.

My message


I haven't updated in EONS, due to a loss in interest in website maintainence. Now that I've regained
interest in my site, may I present some pictures from a play I did called MOONSHINE.
Here are some miscellaneous pictures from a play I directed called THE TAI-TAIS. As always
my Tiger and Big Cat webspage is still available as it will always be. Visit also the Flying Inkpot for
local theatre reviews and for the fact that I write for them as well.

Since the last update a long time ago, many things have happened. A large backlog of pictures will
be uploaded soon. These will include more of my recent candids and also pictures that I made
across Europe. I have also gotten myself an Olympus OM2n which I love and will tell you more about.
Do look forward.

Some of the pages below have not been adjusted yet. You may click back for this index page and get nothing.
It should however be quite easy to figure out should this happen.

Read two of my favourite poems from Derek Walcott, The Flock and The Conqueror, also read an essay on
Tertullian and St Augustine!

ATTENTION!!!!-Si vous avez des problems dan ce site, utilisez mon email nouveau-


--About the Author


My European Adventure

--Some tigers at Prague Zoo.

--Street photography, knowing what it is, doing it right.
--In and around Orchard Road and Part 2
--Handphones at Boat Quay
--My love affair with the Leica M6
--Why I hate the Konica Hexar
--Strange things happen in the Night
--Russian Submarine in Australia.
--The 12 Apostles of Southern Australia.
--My one time experience with infra-red film.
--Bull terrier in Pulau Ubin
--My Dogs Alex and Elmo.
--Kuala Lumpur-Heart Of Malaysia, a photo essay.
--Sunway Pyramid K.L
--Sunway Lagoon K.L
--Singapore Shots
--Chinese Opera
--Eusoff Hall Happy Snaps
--Some Pinhole photography with a Leica.
--Two photos taken with the Leica M Noctilux f/1.0
--Ravi !!!

Personal writings

--A short story (forever) in progress about a chance meeting
--A short story called President Jeannie inspired by no one in particular.
--Madness in Hamlet
--The Sexual Ophelia
--A Critical Appreciation on Chapter 1 of Jane Eyre
--A Critical Appreciation of a Haiku

Send me an e-mail or sign my guestbook.

Hey, when you're done you may want to check out some of my favourite links.