Dan's Theology Page o' Stuff, Links Things Theological

Welcome all Theologates, Theologues,( $10 word for "students of Theology"), and Theologians! I hope this page can offer some useful links to aid in your search! Enjoy! SAPERE AUDE!!! (Dare to Think)

By the way - click on the images below and see (or hear) what happens!!!

The sounds make take a while to load - but it's worth it! (It might not be working yet, though)

Links to all stuff Theological

  General Theological Resources

                    A good place to start surfing.

  Theological Libraries
                    Theological Libraries from Seminaries on-line.  (Listen up, St. Paul School of Theology - get with it!)

  Christian History
                    From early beginnings, Patristic writings, and lots more.

  Denominational Sites
                    Sites from different denominations

  Worship and Liturgy
                    Various places to check out (largely influenced by  Dr. Grant Sperry-White's Web Page )

International on-line

And remember - Minds are like parachutes: they only function when open!

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