Dan's Theology Page o' Stuff, page 2
Sometimes, we just have to laugh, even and bad jokes!
Thoughts from a (procrastinating) hard working Seminarian (a hardly working Seminarian???). I oughta be devoting some more time to study (and not putting up stupid jokes), but... Until we meet again, caris
kai eirhnh (grace and peace).
And . . . it came to pass after these things that God did test Avraham.
And God said to him "Avraham!"
And Avraham replied "Hineni - here I am"
And God said, "Take your computer, your old computer, your 286 ;
install upon it an operating system, a new operating system,
Windows95, which I will show to you."
And Avraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his donkey.
He loaded his computer, his old computer, his 286, on the donkey.
And he took two of his young men with him and Yitzchak his son.
And he rose up and went to the place where God had told him, there to find Windows95.
Then, on the third day, Avraham lifted his eyes and saw Windows95
from afar.
And Avraham said to his young men,
"stay here with the donkey; and I and
the lad will go yonder and load Windows95 on our 286,
and come again to you"
And Avraham took his computer his old computer, his 286, and laid it on Yitzchak his son.
And they went both of them together.
And Yitzchak spoke to Avraham his father, and said,"My father".
And he replied, "Hineni - Here I am my son".
And Yitzchak said,"Windows95 requires far more memory than a 286 has,
how will it possibly run on your machine?"
And Avraham looked at his son, his only son, whom he loved;
and he shook his head slowly,
and in perfect faith and with unswerving trust
and belief in the Almighty, he said,
"Fear not Yitzchak my son. . . . God will provide the RAM."
Okay, okay, take me back to a more sane page
Things Theological
And remember - Minds are like parachutes: they only function when
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