Faith and Justice

Our Faith is much more than belief; our faith is our identity - what we do is what we believe.

They came first
for the Communists
and I didn't speak up -
because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came
for the Jews
and I didn't speak up -
because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came
for the trade unionists
and I didn't speak up -
because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came
for the Catholics
and I didn't speak up -
because I was a Protestant.

Then ...

the came for me -

and by that time

no one was left to speak up.

Pastor Martin Niemoeller
Nazi Victim

It is our task, our responsibility, to stand against the injustices of this world. We are called, no, it is our being, to stand against adversity, to suffer with those who suffer, to stop the hatred and evil that stands against God's creation.

Our faith is more than our belief.
Our faith is lived out by what we do.


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Let us never again be silent in the face of evil


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