6,000 worshippers at Muslim Village, Kawangware, Nairobi, believe
they saw Jesus Christ, in broad daylight last week.
NAIROBI (Kenya Times) It may be hard to believe, but
nothing will move them, because "Jesus" addressed them
and assured them of a come-back, very soon.
The scene was at the Church of
Bethlehem, where Mary Sinaida Akatsa conducts miracle prayers,
praying for the sick, the blind, cripples, mad people, the barren
and others facing all sorts of personal problems. On Saturday 4
June 1988 a big, bright star was sighted above the skies by
worshippers. It was unusually brighter than ordinary stars. The
time was 1 p.m.
But on Saturday 11 June it was different. Worshipers were busy
singing Mungu ni Mwema, a popular Swahili hymn, when
Mary Akatsa interjected. She announced that God had spoken to her
and told her to "await a miracle because a very important
guest would be coming to give her a very vital message."
People 'braced themselves for the unknown' while others stared
blankly at her, their mouths agape with awe andbewilderment.
Five minutes later, she asked those who were singing and
dancing to stop as the long-awaited message had arrived.
"Jesus! Jesus! Jesus of Nazareth!" went the loud
whispers from the crowd as they raised up their hands in
submission and divine welcome.
The tall figure of a barefooted, white-robed and bearded man
appeared from nowhere and stood in the middle of the crowd. He
was walking slowly towards the new church building away from the
tent. Mary walked with him, side by side.
She tried to explain that 20 cripples had managed to walk
again a few minutes ago because of the day's blessings. But
nobody, except perhaps a few, heard this. They were busy talking
to "The Lord". I looked at my watch. It was 4.15 pm.
Her voice was drowned by cries and loud moans of "Jesus!
Jesu. Yeeesu! You have come. Welcome Jeesus! Wash our sins. Help
us Jeesus!" For many, it was the last prayer. It appeared to
them the "Son of Man" had at last fulfilled His promise
of coming back to earth. They knelt down in emotional prayers in
a frantic effort to save their souls at the 11th hour. A man
lying near to me urinated in his trousers. But I stared back at
the stranger in the meeting without blinking. Strange, sporadic
light wafted on top of his turbaned head, his feet and his entire
The scene and mood of the worshipers reminded one of the Old
Testament times of the Tower of Babel when languages became
"confused" (Genesis Chapter 11). Everyone was murmuring
something. Others were flat on the ground weeping uncontrollably
in praise and worship, in total submission to the occasion. Mama
Akatsa appealed for calm. But it was difficult. The "Holy
Spirit" had descended. Yes, the vice and crime-infested
slums of Kawangware had been transformed into 'a holy ground'.
The man whispered something to Akatsa for about two minutes. She
later informed the crowd that the strange man would address them.
In clear Swahili, which had no traces of accent, the strange
man announced that the people of Kenya were blessed, especially
those who had gathered at the venue that afternoon. He said Mary
had an important mission to unify people of all races and tribes
under the umbrella of God through Jesus.
"I implore you kindly to steadfastly hold on to your
faith as the world will be no more. We are nearing the time for
the reign of heaven. But before that I shall come back and bring
a bucketful of blessings for all of you. Please respect Mary as
she is a true representative of 'The Most High' ", the man
said and reminded the crowd to live to the teachings of the
As the strange man was about to leave, two women left their
seats and surged forward to where the man and Mary stood. They
advanced towards him on their knees, tears streaming down their
cheeks. "Shetani Rhihswaah!" the man told the two, and
down to the ground they went with a thud, as the ancient Hebrew
curse word sent echoes everywhere. The word was used 2,000 years
ago to rebuke demons and evil spirits.
It took the crowd nearly 20 minutes to recover after the man
left the meeting in a car belonging to a Mr. Gurnam Singh, who
offered to give him a lift. But it will probably take Mr. Singh
his lifetime to recover from the shock he got two minutes later.
On reaching the bus terminus for KBS Route No 56, the man
informed Mr. Singh to stop the car as he wanted to alight and
head for heaven. On getting out, he did not ascend. He walked a
few paces beside the road and simply vanished into thin air.
Several people who witnessed this were astonished by his
mysterious disappearance.
A few minutes later, a worried Mr. Singh came back panting
like a cross-channel swimmer accompanied by a group of people
from the bus stage, and narrated the strange development. Mary
assured the meeting that "Jesus" had gone to heaven.
What baffled many was that Mary, while addressing the crowd in
the presence of the strange man, had said the light drizzle being
experienced then was to signify the presence of
"Jesus". She had also announced that there would be a
heavy downpour later to signify that "Jesus" was back
in his "Heavenly Throne". And, as sure as hell, the
rains came. There were floods all over town that evening that
caught people unawares. Later, many were reluctant to leave the
religious venue and had to be convinced to do so.
Back at Uhuru Park, Rev. Bonnke was promising thousands of
worshippers and millions of listeners during a live TV and radio
transmission that God had, on Thursday, informed him that they
would experience the presence of Jesus and great miracles on
Saturday. Jesus did indeed come to Nairobi but in a different
There is always a 'resident' photographer at Mary Akatsa's
meetings. He takes snapshots of various episodes and later sells
them to worshipers at Shs10 each. In the past, when bright stars
appeared in broad daylight above Kawangware, there were only
clouds and the blue sky in the photos he had taken.
But this time, the photographer, known as Francis Kaburu,
managed to take about six snapshots of the strange man,
successfully. It is alleged that this may have been a hoax, after
all. Already, reports have it that the person cited was a
"Jinn" or a mysterious spirit, hence his mysterious
But Mary Akatsa discounts this contention: "This was Our
Lord. He promised in the Bible to come back in different forms
... In any event he was born of a woman and lived on earth",
she said later. And the thousands who witnessed the episode
concur with her entirely.
Mr Tofias Onyango, a Nairobi lawyer, is currently busy writing
a book on Mary Akatsa's miracles. He was within the church
compound when "Jesus" came but inside a room 100 yards
away from where the action was, preparing his manuscript.
"So far, the only thing I have been able to witness is a
bright star during daylight", he says, and laments that he
missed the "big miracle".
© Kenya Times. First published in the Kenya Times, 22 June
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