Look here to see all the people who were awesome enough to grace my site with their presence! Join their stellar ranks by signing my guestbook after you're done looking at it, or I might have to get... Oh, never mind. Just sign it, wi l you? Please? You know you want to!

sahara - 09/29/00 03:25:43
My Email:sahara@canada.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): sahara
How you found this site: yahoo

Just a suggestion: Maybe you could change the text color on your page from blue to red. I found it difficult for my eyes to read the blue words with a green background.Thanks

De'vine A-Leigh - 05/07/00 20:13:58
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): YoYo_Gurl
How you found this site: YAHOO!

Great Site, I really enjoyed reading the stories. Bye--De'vine A-leigh

Mark - 03/30/00 14:33:29
My URL:don't got one
My Email:Hummer_carman@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Mark
How you found this site: School


Sara Woods - 03/09/00 16:20:59
My Email:spiderblood@excite
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): spiderblood
How you found this site: search engine
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: spy
Your favorite site URL: none

you should make your cite more easy tro follow with forward and back buttons also shortcut buttons.

Araceli Iglesias - 11/17/99 17:44:40
My Email:062380
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Chelis
How you found this site: Yahoo
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Haven't read any


samantha - 08/17/99 21:26:26
My Email:samigirl2000@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): trixie
How you found this site: yahoo!


Judy - 08/02/99 00:54:23
My Email:As_Myself@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): As_Myself
How you found this site: Friend told me it was cool, so I took a look
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: The only one I've read: The Mad E-mailer. I plan to read the others
Your favorite site URL: N/A

Cool stories. Great way to get people Involved and published (sort of). Got to go now. Toodles.

Karen - 07/30/99 05:00:00
My Email:karenina_2000@yahoo.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Karenina
How you found this site: yahoo search engine
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Iggy the iguana detective
Your favorite site URL: boxerjam

this is a great idea and it's ennjoyable and funny and the great part is so many different people are involved GOOD JOB!

Lord Hoban - 06/30/99 01:29:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/4795/
My Email:kereej@yahoo.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): None
How you found this site: Through another Interactive Site
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: None yet
Your favorite site URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/4795/

Hey, interesting story ideas. Check out the couple stories I now have interactive.

- 04/18/99 20:15:36
My Email:none
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): vertibo
How you found this site: yahoo


Tony Amoroso - 04/08/99 11:47:19
My Email:aamoroso
How you found this site: YAhoo

Hey love your site. I go to Jamestown College in ND... How to be back at your site again soon.

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 10:36:54

Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald. /a>

Jessica - 03/06/99 03:51:54
My Email:jessica_kammerud@yahoo.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Jessi K
How you found this site: log on
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Save the Planet

I love writing! Thank you for setting this up. This really helps me get through some writers blocks! Muchas Gracias!

Julian Korbyn - 01/14/99 16:23:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/aetherlink
My Email:angelfire721@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Julian Korbyn (yeah, not the most creative ever)
How you found this site: Wanderin aimlessly through the annals of the web.
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Probably save the planet.
Your favorite site URL: Mine.

This is actually a rather well made site. I'd personally get someone to read some of your mail for you so that you can go through everything faster, but beyond that, it's really very well done. Jellyfish? HOw nice. Not my style, but very nice. Thanx. Julian

taechil,lee - 12/02/98 12:34:28
My URL:http://my.netian.com/~ltc2714
My Email:ltc2714@soback.kornet.nm.kr
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): richilly
How you found this site: search by web.tour
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: home page
Your favorite site URL: www.hitbox.com

excellent yourhomepage music tel 082 53-431-0933 fax 082 53-431-0934

Lord Sith - 10/31/98 07:03:35
My Email:lordsith_@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Lord Sith
How you found this site: Lord Sith showed me
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Lord Sith's.
Your favorite site URL: Lord Sith's.

But enough about Lord Sith...me. HEHE. Gotta love the music Fishy fish fish. Its pretty cool. Anyway...I need to eat some cheese...kill some toasters...oh and make sure I stab the janitor named Bill...or is it Bob? In the eye. ~Lord Sith~ PS. Remember who you work for.

10/25/98 12:54:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/24/98 10:29:58
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

DeCoMpOsInG - 09/21/98 22:41:41
My Email:iamagain@sprint.ca
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: the one I wrote in...heh
Your favorite site URL: http://obsession.gameplex.net/ff8/

I just wanted to post a poem...and since you only take continuation stories...this is the best way to do it.... She floats to the heavens She sails in my mind What force can bring her down Into my aching heart She glides on featherless wings Her silky body entices all My mind goes wild with lust Oh god can I go on Her hair wips wildly Her scent tickles my nose Please let me reach her Let me soar into the clouds Oh so too late... My silk eagle has fallen Now laying it the dark earth I give I to thee

J. Provine - 07/31/98 23:48:14
My URL:*sniff* I don't have one...
My Email:jprovine@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): J. Provine
How you found this site: Well, I was kinda bored a while back, so then I thought: Hey, what about that Cyber Yarn page, it was kinda cool. So I came here and well, the rest is history.
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: I don't know... I guess Iggy.
Your favorite site URL: There's so many good ones, I couldn't write out a favorite.

Nifty page. Kinda weird... but nifty.

M.Redford - 07/23/98 07:46:37
My Email:Mark@Dundee.nsc.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): M.Redford
How you found this site: On the links in Star wars interactive
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Iggy
Your favorite site URL: I don't have one

Love this web site My character Measlet is in it and the storys are great

Vickieb - 07/16/98 19:57:43
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): vickiebever
How you found this site: Yahoo: search

Just visiting, looks great!

Crystalyn (Crysti) Donavan - 07/10/98 20:30:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/4208
My Email:crysti@radar.net, hypersqueek@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Hypersqueek
How you found this site: A little Jellyfish told me
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: The Mad E-Mailer
Your favorite site URL: http://www.tangrams.com

Great site, Beth! I can't wait to really get into these stories! (What happened to your theory that the skiing accidents were part of a mass plot by the trees of the world to stop deforestation?)

Becky Garlock - 06/26/98 19:02:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/6114 (If you value your sanity or if you just don't wa t to be bored stiff, don't go there!)
My Email:thissle00@yahoo.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Mia Anderson
How you found this site: The Links page at Star Wars Interactive Story
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Iggy the Detective Iguana, (Very goofy)
Your favorite site URL: Mine of course! (Just kidding!)

Jellyfish, I love the story about Iggy the Iguana! However do you come up with such neat ideas! I like your story in Jedi Cass's Star Wars Character Stories, too. Check out mine. It's the Tale of the Shadow Fleet. (I think I sent her the wrong pictur for the front!) I love you Jellyfish! Am I supposed to say that? Becky

Sherlock - 06/22/98 18:08:17
My URL:http://www.qsl.net/kc8alw
My Email:price@axiom.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Pinky
How you found this site: In the midst of the darkness it came, in a flash of purple light with orange and green spots on it....
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: The freaky one.
Your favorite site URL: My homepage.

I think so Brain, but I can't memorize a whole opera in Yiddish!

alexandra mccoy - 06/18/98 19:43:01
My Email:haremchick@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): ashley michelle
How you found this site: by chance
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: definately Iggy

I wrote a chapter for Iggy today. I don't know if you're going to use it or not but I would like you to e-mail me your comments on it. please!

Dexion Pratte - 06/03/98 19:07:31
My URL:http://archives.hypermart.net
My Email:wyldkarrde@geocities.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Dex Pratte, Jay Daragon
How you found this site: YOU TOLD ME!!!!!11
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: The Mad E-mailer
Your favorite site URL: http://www.starwars.com

I was just looking around this site for something to do, when I realized...


So here I am.

Lord Sith - 05/29/98 01:00:54
My Email:lordsith_@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Lord Sith
How you found this site: the Force guided me.
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: I don't know at this point
Your favorite site URL: Well lets see....

Looks like a cool site Jellyfish, if that is your REAL name. Anyway, keep up the good work, ~Lord Sith~

Watson - 05/10/98 14:28:09
My Email:mharvey@freenet.columbus.oh.us
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Brain
How you found this site: thejellyfish
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: ???

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Adam Chapman - 04/10/98 07:37:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/AirWave
My Email:chapman_a@hotmail.com
How you found this site: Surfed on

Hey, You have a pretty good page..... I want you to take a look at mine.... Maybe we could write E-Mail to each other....

Cassandra Greysun - 04/05/98 16:16:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/3363
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Jedi Cassandra
How you found this site: If I told you I would have to kill you.
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Save the Planet!!! (the only one I've read so far)
Your favorite site URL: Can't remember the address

Hey!! Great site Jellyfish!! I just sent an addition for the Save the Planet story. I hope you like it!! Anyway, people, I'm just going to have to add the Star Wars characters into some of the stories, you know. I have to do it. You know. Anyway, keep up the good work!!

Clay - 03/23/98 21:43:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/9800/
My Email:clay@gccweb.net
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Don't you think it would be slightly crazy to name your pen?
How you found this site: Surfed from Jellyfish's World
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: Not sure...
Your favorite site URL: a whole bunch!

Neato page! I like it a lot! I submitted a chapter to Iggy too!

Paco - 03/23/98 04:28:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/MarleyRas
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Paco
How you found this site: surfed
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: !?!?!?!?!
Your favorite site URL: www.angelfire.com/mi/MarleyRas

Hey Crazy Stories, Come visit my page for even crazier pages!!!! Thanks PACO

Hank - 03/21/98 23:06:23
My Email:rpmr52a@prodigy.com
How you found this site: invited by The Jellyfish
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: can't decide

You should be VERY proud of this site, Beth!!! And I'm VERY proud of YOU!! Keep up the good work and having fun with this stuff. Lots of Love, Hank

Jellyfish - 03/19/98 22:27:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/8761
My Email:thejellyfish@juno.com
Pen Name (you know, what you call yourself when you add chapters onto CyberYarn): Jellyfish (duh!)
How you found this site: Well, it all started when I was dropped on my head when I was two months old. Somehow it scrambled my brains so I thought it would be FUN to make an interactive story site, and so here it is!
Your favorite story line at CyberYarn: How can I have a favorite story line?! All three are my BABIES! I could never choose.
Your favorite site URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/3037 (I deserve to be proud!!!)


Well, here it is! The much-anticipated, yet long awaited, CyberYarn--The Interactive Story. I say that this deserves a little celebrating...

Hey, Fred! Break out the sparkling grape juice! (No underage drinking allowed ; )!!!) To CyberYarn, may your days be long and may your stories never grow worn-out or boring!


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