Hey, you! Welcome to CyberYarn--The Interactive Story. Looking for something amusing to read or fun to write? Then you've stumbled upon the right type of yarn.
Follow the threads in this interactive tale and add on to them when the thread runs dry. Questions? Comments? E-mail me!

So, are you going to stand around all day looking at the cool heading I made, or are you going to DO something?
Read the Prologue to the Story!
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If you are interested in adding on to the stories here, you must read the Story Guide first! It'll answer a lot of your questions about
CyberYarn and increase your chances at getting your story put up on my site!
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The World Of The Jellyfish, my little home on the web
that contains cool stuff like MIDIs, Humor, and a section about me! (Want to find out why I'm called the Jellyfish? That's the place to be!)
Want to see some more places to go? Check out my favorite links and my webrings at Jellyfish's Links and Webrings Page.

Zany Writers and Patient Readers have visited this page since March 21, 1998.
This page and all other connecting pages are copyright ©1998 by Elisabeth Price.
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