Now we live in the world and try to make
the life pleasant and simple for us. Thereby we are knuckled by the normal
social and economical forces. The life has us, but we don`t have the life. We
will bustled about, without much influence upon the direction in which we go.
With pleasure would we surely do something own , something, which is good for us
and has some value, but companies, family, friends and culture make this
impossible. We are bond in a narrow cage and don't notice it. From time to time
we remember us, that something other was there, but we have forgotten what it is
or never knewn it. Often we memorize, that we lack something and that fulfils us
with bad feelings and hate against ourselves and others.
All materiel quantity, the live has for us, can never satisfy us, because the
part we seek is not to find in this world . We must search it and obtain it,
otherwise the whole further life is without real fulfilment.
But where to search? We have all, that we need already in us; we must only find
the right way to use it. The oration here is from the selffulfilled, human being,
for whom the wholeness and happiness is the normal state. We human beings can
have a regular state of the paranormal awareness, that satisfies all our senses
, and that only makes us to real human beings, to the "REAL MAN". Without that
we are lost in a world, in which we have no real tasks. Help comes from above
our material world and help is already in us. We need the connection to our
Higher Forces, which is our human birthright.
Without task, without real target we go sleeping and half hearted through the
live, all what we can achieve is only deaf enjoyment, that always requires
repetition, in order to still our hunger to complete us .We are going to be
exhausted and miserable.
It is this discernment, that delivers us the decision to search the turning back
point. Where is the acceptation in them all? What can I do and how can I realize
it. What is the genuine task of the human being, and how can I get it.
All this questions have to be solved by yourself and they show you the way to
real freedom.
I promise you a way full of hardship and load, full of dangers, and the
experiences with the pandemonium. Otherwise you can not find the way and not
find absolute truth , inner freedom and strenght. From these all is here the
oration. Here is your onliest chance, to escape the idiotic, average-life. I
only point the way, you have to go it alone, but I will accompany , advice and
help you .
Consider it intensively, the way is stonily and hard and perhaps you cannot
master it, but it is the only option to escape and to find more, than you saw in
your best dreams. Come on and fetch the answers to the ultimative secret of life
and death, the solving of all your little and big problems.
Don't hesitate, every day you wait is a day too long, is a lost day.
Now is time for change, for the beginning of a new, a real life.
Stand up, come on, take the first step to eternity.
Frater Persevebo