< The Art of Boredom

I'm bored therefore I am creative

veryone in this life is a potential Artist! We all draw, sing and generally, we express ourselves in an artistic way. I have noted that many people express themselves artistically when they are bored.

hink for yourselves! When you attend a boring meeting you draw, when you listen to a boring telephone callyou draw, when you are bored in your office you draw or maybe yousing! I can list many more examples when the "ART OF BOREDOM" emerges to make us feel better. I myself draw every time I am bored and because I believe (selfish?) my drawings are ... not bad I have decided to keep them and exhibit them. In the next pages you will find my "drawings of boredom". Please take a look of them and tell me your opinion!

f course this site is not only for my artistic quest but, for everyone that thinks that his artistic output out of boredom is worth to be exhibited. Please send me your drawings via e-mail at grmps153@attglobal.net in *gif or *jpg format stating your name, e-mail and the situation the drawing was made. Of course every drawing expresses the artist and is his/her property.

© 1999 geosoumb@yahoo.com