A Devil A Devil
Some Of My Poems.

I'm not really an avid poet, but I do write a few every now and then. For me it's a very good way of expressing the way that I feel, and getting it down on paper allows me to view and understand my emotions, as I can see them on the page.

So here are all of my poems for you to have a look at. If you don't agree with them...tough, they are my emotions and part of who I am. And just maybe they will evoke some longing realisations in yourself to come to the front and remind you of who you really are.

If you want to comment on them, as all constructive critism is welcome, please Mail me at Tracys_Devil@Hotmail.com, as I would like to know what people think of them.
Are they Thumbsup or are they Thumbsdown?  

Some Hearts Love is as free as a tear in your eye,
Or as a flower in a field,
Love is as free as that tear that you cry,
And all of the power that we yield. Line
a Red Rose A red rose, love's voice,
Given to someone never by choice,
A love as free as you or I,
A love so true should never die,
For you're the one my love has chose,
You are my red, red rose. Line
In the silence of a room,
With no walls,
A heart cries.
With an inaudible boom,
A head falls,
A soul dies.
What is the meaning of life? To live?
Is it just to receive? Or for us to give?
If to receive, then what do we gain?
In a bloodthirsty world, full of heartache and pain.
But if it's to give, who profits then?
'Cause I tell you not me, not women, not men.
I know what it is, it passes with each breath,
The meaning of life, this meaning called Death!
An Hourglass I give my life to time,
As time doth lend itself to me,
As my emotions ebb through ryhme,
In prose, for all to see.
I afford the world to peek,
At the mechanics of my soul,
At what my heart doth seek,
Which is't not mine control.
My dreams are of contentment,
For all my life long years,
My hopes will aid fulfillment,
A shield against all fears.
Monotonous that sound, the drone of the day,
As Death cometh closer, Hell’s hounds kept at bay,
But not for much longer, our lives we destroy,
Everyone killed, Man, Woman, Girl, Boy.
What is life?
Life is hard,
Trouble and strife,
A memory charred.
A reason to live,
To try to achieve,
A reason to give,
And simply receive.

Why do we try?
Why do we care?
As life goes by,
We stand and stare.
Doesn’t time fly?
It goes so fast,
So why do we try?
‘Cause soon it’s the past.
I’m looking through a window,
At a life with no ends,
I’m looking through a doorway,
At someone with no friends,
I’m looking through a gateway,
Where everything dies,
I’m looking through two portals,
I’m looking through my eyes.
If a heart is alone, is it ever complete?
Will it pine for another, ‘till they finally meet,
‘Cause my heart’s complete, since I’ve met you,
It beats for a reason, for love that’s so true,
For yours it still yearns, ‘till one it can find,
And they beat together, as one for mankind.
Alone, alone in this pain,
Tears, my tears fall like rain,
Love, that existed with you,
Gone, is a love I once knew.
Why? Why has it strayed?
Why? Why do I feel betrayed?
Wishing, I was yours again,
But I’m alone, alone in this pain.
My love I hope,
And hope to love,
But love to live,
And live to die,
And die for you,
Is what I’ll do,
While you still love me!

I see us now,
Now until when,
When we are one,
And one we’ll be,
To be apart,
Would break my heart,
You’ll see!

To never stray,
And stray we won’t,
And won’t we love,
To love as one,
As one we’ll stand,
Hand in hand,
Forever ... you and me!
Is wanting bad? Is needing worse?
Is love a pleasure, or a curse?
Can two be one? Can harmony be?
Is anyone willing, to ever love me?
Am I just heartless? Am I not nice?
Why does my happiness, come at a price?
Am I to love? Do I get to choose?
Or am I forever, destined to lose?
In dreams I cry,
At night I weep,
In life I die,
No soul to keep.
In light I’m blind,
My eyes can’t see,
No love to find,
To set me free.
Chaos reigns,
Rebellion rife,
Continual pains,
To haunt my life.
Forever old,
In eternal youth,
All answers cold,
None born of truth.
I glimpsed into the ebony of night,
And appreciate it’s knowledge due to light,
I already know the answer it will hold,
The question? Will never be foretold,
But still I look, through vanity I see,
My genesis, and executioner of me.
We want to be,
A world that’s free,
Some day.
We live in danger,
Acting stranger,
Each day.

Our world revolving,
Still evolving,
We kill.
Conflicting races,
Different faces,

Mindless violence,
Suffered silence,
Must cease.
Tranquil harmony,
Is what we will see,
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