A Devil A Devil
A List Of Contents.

This is where you are going to be able to get to all my pages. Below is a handy list of all the things that I have included, and of the things I will include. I hope that you can be patient for the things that are to come, but as I have said in my intro, I am in Portugal for another 5 weeks yet and so the information I require is back in England.

Please keep coming back to see the changes that I make, as I am trying to make what I have even better as well as put more things in. I return to England on the 31st of March, so give me 7-14 days and I should have the main things on the pages...but for now...just enjoy...  

  1. My Poems. Just a few at the moment as the main of them are in England.
  2. Athletics. Probably my life's calling. (And I ain't that bad)
  3. Muds. These are kewl...check out where I play.
  4. Love. Find out who makes me tick...and then explode!!!

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