"Mon amour a creé, une prison dans laquelle, je dois maintenant vivre."
"My love has created a prison, in which I must now exist."
This is going to be a page with a little bit of everything on...but then again...ain't everyone's?
Well to start with my name's Brad Knowles and I'm 21 years old , and am a student at Newman College, Bartley Green, Birmingham,
. I study "Sport and Exercise Science, with Social and Applied Physcology", bit of a mouthful I know but, that's hierachy systems for you.
At the moment though I am in Portugal, doing a 3 month placement at Instituto Politecnico da Guarda. This is a visit that has many values attached to it. Firstly I am here to learn a little about a different culture, and believe me, it's different. It means I also get to learn a new language (or rather I am attempting to learn a new language...). I am kind of reknowned for my extrovert tendencies (I'm just a really), and this attitude has helped me in my visit here, as I am now known by virtually everyone in the town. It's not that hard though as it is quite a small town. But it has it's advantages when it comes to asking for things in Portuguese as most of my likes and dislikes are known now, and so are catered for without my asking. That's kewl.
I am very much into Sports. To start with I play Basketball for Newman College. This is of course when my athletics training allows, and I'm not in Portugal. My athletics is my main love of life (apart from the femme fatal). I concentrate on High Jump and 110mHurdles. Although I do meddle with the Pole Vault, Long&Triple Jumps too. I will add links to these and go into more depth when I get back to .
Due to my sports, you can just about guess that yes... is very high on my list of "don't want to do's" and not on my list of "can't do's", as that list doesn't actaully exist...I can do anything I want...I just have to want to!!! Another no no on my list is
, yes an Englishman that doesn't drink alcohol...now please, don't faint on me (hehe).
I write Poetry. If you click on the link you will be able to read some of my poems, although as I have said I'm in Portugal and most the ones I've written are back in England. The first four are ones that I wrote some time ago, but the last of these is one I have written while I have been in here Portugal. Click here to .
So prepare yourself for a rollercoaster! of feelings.
me at Tracys_Devil@Hotmail.com, in the meantime...
Go get your own "Free" E-Mail account at Hotmail.
Keep coming back, as I'm slowly getting the hang of this code, and it grows by the day/week...well, when I have the time.
There is also going to be a contents page soon.