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We regularly meet to discuss the American Civil War on 3rd Tuesday
of the month, September thru June,
at the Clubhouse of "Villa Velletri"
4330 Glencoe Ave., Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (310)
Underground Quilt Codes Debunked!
Stones River Battlefield Hit By Tornado |
Civil War Preservation
News |
A follow-up to "Maj. Wallace's Custer Medal." The third, and the latest, in a series of articles about Maj. Wallace of 5th Michigan Cavalry, written by our own John Beckendorf, for the November '05 issue of North South Trader Civil War magazine. (Article) |
An article written by our own, John Beckendorf, and just published in North South Trader Civil War, the preeminent Civil War collectors' magazine. (more) |
Another article written by our own, John P. Beckendorf for the current issue of the Military Images magazine. (Article) |
Civil War Round Table of Orange County: Meets on the Third Tuesdays of the month at Huntington Beach, CA. San Gabriel Valley Civil War Round Table: Meets on the Fourth Thursdays of the month at Pasadena, CA. Civil Warriors Round Table: Meets on the Second Wednesdays of the month at West Hills, in the San Fernando Valley. San Joaquin Valley Civil War Round Table: Meets on the last Thursday of the month, except Summer months, in Fresno, CA. |
Fort Tejon State Historical Park: Located 75 miles north of Los Angeles on the I-5. Civil War Reenactment held every 3rd Sundays, April through October. Lincoln Memorial S hrine: Located behind the A.K. Smily Library at 125 W. Vine Street, Redlands, CA. Phone (909) 798-7632. Open Tuesday thru Sunday, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Drum Barracks Civil War Museum: Located at 1052 Banning Boulevard, Wilmington, CA 90744. Phone (310) 548-7509. Tues. to Thurs., 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM; Weekends, 12:30 to 3:00 PM. Banning Residence Museum: 401 E. M Street, Wilmington. (310) 548-7777. A fully restored Victorian-era mansion built in 1864. Weekends, 12:30 to 3:30 PM; Tues. to Thurs., 12:30 to 2:30 PM. Cal 100, Cal Battalion and the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry Those Californian, who fought to preserve the Union in the Eastern battlefields. Civil War Maps: From the Library of Congress. New York Times Library: New York Times Digitization Project Chapter 2: The Civil War Years, 1860-1866. Civil War Interactive: The Daily Newspaper of the Civil War. Civil War @ the Smithsonian: Features more than 250 images taken from uniforms, paintings, photographs and other artifacts. |
Updated 04/27/2009