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501(c)(3) nonprofit

Audios by
Ananda ofLove
John McIntosh


Ananda thanks John for contributing his time "9 years" in assisting her in sustaining "A Course in Miracles Forum"  Ministry. 

The Tao of The Secret

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You are
"The Light of The World"

We are a Virtual Ministry where Love is the Teaching.  We invite all to be a part of this Ministry.  A Course in Miracles students come together here to teach and to  learn.

Our intention is to bring forth the Highest Expression of Love.  It is our dream to bring together a community of like-love minded souls to share what we have all come to know in Divine Joy that comes from Love.

This Forum will be open for all who walk the Path of Love. We will encourage creative expression on this site and are open to the guidance Spirit will bring forth for all who share with us through this portal of Light.

A Course in Miracles
3 - What It Says

Spirit Speaks to My Heart
Daily Inspiration

This Holy Instant is Salvation Come

A Course in Miracles
Daily Lesson & Spirit Guidance

A Course in Miracles
Chapter 29

The Awakening

7.  Seek Not Outside Yourself

Ananda's Ministry "Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239
is a Non Profit Ministry
501 (c) (3)
we will accept your gift in love and in gratitude.

Harmonic Creations
Art by, Ananda

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A Course in Miracles
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365 Daily Lesson
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"I so hope that you and John realize what a HUGE positive influence you both are.To have such an immense capacity to share  your unconditional love, guidance and support is a beautiful gift. And I know that you both make such a positive difference to the world, and every life that you touch."....Soleil

The Tao of
Wealth, Health & Happiness

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"The TAO of the Secret " Book
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The Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239 Ministry

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© 1999 - 2008 Ananda and John of Love

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Hello Ananda & John,
I found your podcasts through Odeo and have been downloading the text to listen to as a review of the Course, which I studied about 12 and 8 years ago - my, how time flies!

Thank you for your recordings - they provide a wonderful way to review the Course. I have been listening to each one twice before moving to the next, and feel that I'm really gaining a lot from listening, rather than reading, this time. Bless you ~Carla

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