RCIA/Victory 2001 Retreat Quotes




And Jesus did bless the “Goldfish”, and break open the bag of “Goldfish”, and poured them out into the Dixicups, and distributed them with the Welches Grape Juice, and He said, “Take these “Goldfish” and this Grape Juice.  I am the Cheddar Flavor!” – Steve


You don’t have an opinion.  Quiet. – Paulie


I’m 75% Italian.  The other 25% is Polish…but I’m 100% studly. – Mike G.


Keep them [the freshman] all isolated!  Shut your mouths! – Steve


Our power hour’s done on the Rosary: chug…chug…chug…everytime you say a Hail Mary! – Steve


Uh oh…you got the gimpy up…-- Paulie


Fr. Jim; he’s like Col. Klink: he puts in that little half glass thingy, that lense thing or whatever, and he’s working for the KGB!  Very, very insterestink.” (Russian accent needed) – Steve


Fred [from Scoobie Doo] is gay.  He wears an ascott.  C’mon – Paulie


Wait a minute…I’m getting a message from God…He’s telling me to BEAT your ass! – Steve


I’m giving up sex for Lent – Bridget

I’m giving up sex and drugs – Danielle

I’m giving up sex, drugs…and alcohol. – B

*pause*…bitch – D.


Now why would I read the Bible? – Paulie


I believe in Women’s Lib. – Steve

I don’t.  Nobody asked me! – Mary S.


Anyone up for a rosary?  Anyone?  Please? – Greg

No…not really…not right now…-- all of us.

Mary?!  C’mon!  Your name is Mary! – Greg

What does that have to do with anything? – Mary W.

Paulie?  Please? – Greg

No.  Hello?!  This is a retreat! -- Paulie


Obviously the one with the air conditioner can’t be the muder shack. – Paulie

With such luxury, who would want to kill? – Mike G.

I mean, c’mon, we have plastic windows. – Mary W.




I got to carry the God thing! – Bridget


Fr. Bill’s Talk


It’s like we go into K-Mart and say, “Let me get some Baptism.”


How does the Lord of the Universe come before us in a wafer?


That’s kind of a big thing to get into [transubstantiation].


We want the light show.  We want God, on the Big Screen!


The old ladies in the front pew clanking with the rosaries.  It’s like, “Hello!  Princess!”


Because you clang your rosaries against the pews and I wanna go and pop you one everytime you do, doesn’t mean I need you.


This is the Superbowl of their existence! [on the Jews and the Passover]


We can look and say, “I feel sorry for the poor lamb”…but we should be equally as sorry that our sins drove Christ to the Cross. (RE: the connection between the sacrificial lambs and Jesus, The Sacrifical Lamb)


You know that old spiritual, *singing* “Were you there when they crucified…”?  Yeah, we were, we are.


Mike G’s. Talk


To better your trivia, Confirmation is…


Just because he’s the bishop doesn’t mean he has special powers and can be more than one place at once.


The Holy Spirit was back, or better yet, I was back in it, because He never really left me.


That didn’t come from me…but I agree with it.


That’s the end of my talk.  You may all applaud now.


Misc. Saturday Quotes


Next time you schedule a retreat, I’m going to schedule myself for a voluntary spinal tap. – Pete G., on filling out the survey.


You cheater!  Ah! *picks up random “Game of Life” game piece, aka the little minivans, and tosses it across the room* -- Gabby


I…I’m going to kill your children!!!! *attempts to take little people out of the minivans and throw them* -- Gabby


Georgina!  You can’t just move when it’s not your turn! – Bridget

Hey, this is the “Game of Life”, Real Life!  If no one else wants to move, you have to go!!! – Georgina

You know, I could have your sacraments revoked for that one! – Bridget




Russ’s talk on Confirmation


I am not an expert on Confirmation…but this book [the CCC] is.  This is “Mr. Expert” *displaying the Catechism*


The Holy Spirit is our guide on the riverof life; follow His instructions and you’ll get through it alive, and blessed.


Friend closest to our hearts – in our heart – Confirmation gives us the indwelling of the Trinity.


He wants us to get to Heaven.  Heaven is like the party at the end of the river trip; but it’s not just a party.  It’s the Ultimate Party.  You can not party more than the ecstasy of partying in Heaven.


With a friend like that, you take Him for all He’s worth!


The Holy Spirit is like a…well, a Bob Villa if you will, a Martha Stewart.


Theology 101…put on my theology hat here.


He could work miracles, but He also had to eat.


We see the Church as we see Christ.  If we see Christ as completely human, we see the Church as just a group of people doing their own things.  If we see Christ as completely divine, we see the Church as this ethereal, floaty thing above our heads.  We need to see Christ as He is: human and divine.  Then we’ll see the Church as she is: Christ’s body on Earth.


Does this mean that you should go out and grab someone by the collar and say “get into Church you…you sinner!” or stand on a street corner with an enormous sign, going “Repent!  Repent!”…*pause*… *completely deadpan* Yes.  After this, we’re all going to go, make our signs…”