Editor's note;
The following is a chronological assortment of important philosophical writings from prominent philosophers. Some of the suggested readings, however, are not available in the page. Hence, if you are sincerely interested in learning the history of human thoughts, you must visit your nearby bookstore or library.
Also, please perform a background biography check on the thinker before reading the material. Make sure you understand the historical background and the intellectual question he is trying to solve.
When you see "assorted writings", it means that you need to read more than one
or two pieces to full abstract the essence of the thinker's philosophy.
C. C. Cheng
Ancient Era - Eastern, Greek and Roman The Art of War --- by Sun Tzu
Tao Te Ching - by Lao Tzu
Aesop's Fable - by Aesop
The Socratic Series - by Plato
Euthyphro Socrates before the trial Apology Socrates defending on trial Crito Socrates imprisoned, before execution Phaedo Socrates at the execution, before death. The Republic - by Plato Gorgias - by Plato Meno - by Plato Parmenides - by Plato The Ethics - by Aristotle
(only first five books are archived. book six to ten are not arranged)
Metaphysics - by Aristotle
Stoicism Letters of Seneca
Assorted Writings of Cicero
- by St. Augustine
humanistic theology
Summa Theologica
- by St. Thomas Aquinas
systematic natural theology
Divine Comedies
- by Dante
medieval / renaissance literacy
The Prince
- by Machiavelli
- by Thomas Hobbes
- by St. Thomas More
Enlightenment; Political
- by Voltaire
Spirit of the Law
- by Montesquieu
Persian Letters
- by Montesquieu
Two Treatises on
Civil Government
- by John Locke
The Social Contract
- by Rousseau
- by Rousseau
Common Sense
- by Thomas Paine
Reflections on the
Revolution in France
- by Edmund Burke
The Rights of Man
- by Thomas Paine
Modern; Philosophical et Epistemological The Meditations
- by Descartes
- by Blaise Pascal
An Essay on Human
- by John Locke
The Three Dialogues
- by Berkeley
An Enquiry Concerning
Human Understanding
- by David Hume
A Treatise of Human
- by David Hume
Assorted Writings of
![]() Modern; Synthesis, Political Theories et Determinism Essays and Treatises
on Several Subjects
- by David Hume
A New View of Society
- by Robert Owen
Utilitarianism et
Assorted Writings
- by John Stuart Mills
Critique of Pure
Reason Phenomenology of Mind
- by
Science of Logic
- by Hegel
The Communist Manifesto
- by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Collected Works of
- by Lenin
read selectively
published by Moscow Foreign Press
![]() Classical Existentialism - The
Existential Self
Fear and Trembling
- by Kierkegaard
Sickness unto Death
by Kierkegaard
Stages on Life's Way
- by Kierkegaard
Human, All too Human
- by Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil
- by Nietzsche
Thus Spoke
- by Nietzsche
Twilight of the Idols
/ Antichrist
- by Nietzsche
Postmodern Existentialism -
Being and Nothingness
- by Sartre
Trilogy to Freedom,
et The Wall
- by Sartre
- by Albert Camus
Assorted Writings of
Why I am not a
- by Russell
Principle Ideas of
Freud and Jung
no readings necessary