Editor's note:

        This is a meager collection of writings and commentaries by my students and apprentices. They include various topics in distinct perspectives. Some of the writings pertain to philosophy, others literature and history and short passages of thoughts.

        I have compiled the more interesting pieces in the list. If you have any interesting articles, feel free to send it to me and let me host it here.

ps. The literary commentary works are in doc format. I don't feel like making them into html page.

C. C. Cheng

Shakespearean Use of Dramatic Irony

Soliloquy in Hamlet


Heart of Darkness - A Psychological Journey as Portrayed by Conrad

A Farewell to Arms - Hemmingway's Portrait of a Stoic Quest against Nada

Fifth Business - Jungian Psychology as Manifested by Davies


A Leftist Understanding of Russian Revolution

Origin of Morality - A Theological Perspective