It's mildly amusing; it's vaguely educational; it's distantly informative:
it's a bit like a Chautauqua.
Thank you for visiting. We are still not quite as ready to receive you as we'd like, but we are slowly getting things installed. Many of the features we promised are now ready, though we're increasingly dilatory with the remaining ones. Oh, well; if things must fall, we hope that they fall into place.
We (my lovely wife and I) started living in our home almost four years ago, and we still haven't moved in. However, we do entertain guests despite the upheaval, so-- though, with any
luck, this home page will never be finished-- we hope to be able to refresh you before too long. Certainly within four more years.
My lovely wife is a composer and on the music faculty at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. I also am a composer, as well as an architectural historian (of sorts) and a social critic (out of sorts). We live in a Craftsman-style house with Japanese-influenced details, built in about 1909, with an addition built in about 1932. One of my hobbies is dreading the prospect of painting it.
We hope you enjoy the features on our home page, and would like to hear from you, yea or nay. Please do sign our guestbook, or, if you prefer,
We will welcome your correspondence, unless it is annoying.
Please feel free to browse around among our features, which are linked below. They're self-contained and fairly explanatory. (Five points if you can identify the source of the preceding sentence.) Please forgive any slowness in loading. We are taking steps to slim down our graphics in order to conserve your valuable time.


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since 16 July 1998.
That probably seems pitiable, but you can help. If you find our content to be of merit, please suggest to your friends that they visit. If you find our pages contemptible, mention them to your enemies. We will eventually get a banner going (if we can meet the rigid criteria) so you won't have to do all the work.

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