Slavic Languages at Stockholm University, Lindgren Slavic Studies, Lundsberg

Lindgren Slavic Studies > Iconographic manuals swedish
In Swedish
Lindgren Slavic Studies  

Iconographic manuals
—a new field in Slavic Studies

Iconographic manuals are a group of old Slavic and Greek manuscripts which provide a new reseach field in Slavic studies.

These manuscripts are a rich source of hagiographic material. They contain data on the holy persons and events painted on icons, and also facts on painting technique, colours and disposition.

There are two main types of iconographic manuals: text manuals which describe and comment the icon motifs in text, and pattern books which contain drawings. Text manuals are not so rare, specially from 18th century and later, while only a few pattern books are preserved.

Hagiography today is seen as one of the most promising areas of Slavic and Byzantine studies.


From Byzantine to Russian iconographic manuals: structural changes
XIX International Congress of Byzantine Studies, University of Copenhagen, 18—24 August, 1996. Plenary Session IV, D: The Image and Influence of Byzantium after 1453.

Motivhierarki och färgbeteckningar i ryska ikonmålarhandböcker [In Swedish only]
Stockholm University, 11 maj 1998.

Early Christian Saints in Russian Iconographic Manuals


Lindgren, 2001 Ikonmålarhandböcker i Athen [Icon painters manuals in Athens]

Lindgren, 1999 Ryska kyrkans granskning av ikonmåleriet vid kyrkomötena 1551 och 1554 [The scrutiny of icon painting by the Russian church at the councils of 1551 and 1554]

Lindgren, 1998 Den ryske ikonmålaren: från helgon till hantverkare

Lindgren, 1997 De ryska ikonmålarhandböckernas utveckling.

Lindgren, 1995 En nordrysk ikonmålarhandbok i Sverige.

Lindgren Slavic Studies > Iconographic manuals
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Created 9 February 1998. Updated 13 August 2004.

E-mail to Nelly Lindgren

Slavic Languages at Stockholm University, Lindgren Slavic Studies, Lundsberg